Passions timeline

Passions was on for 9 years

But how many years in Harmony years?

Breaking up is like... a bomb going off in your toilet...while your using it.


Probably 9 weeks lol

lol u nasty


It's interesting because on the series they celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines, Easter, you name it, at the same time we do in real life, so time proceeds as if it's according to our own real-life time.

Except it's not, hardly a few days pass in the entire first year of the show, yet they have new years, christmas, thanksgiving, valentines day, st patricks day, etc.

Now as for creating a huge graphic interactive timeline for the show for all to browse and see, that would be a monumental effort as each character on the show, especially the mains, go through massive transitions throughout the nine years.


Passions was ridiculous with their days and nights. I remember back when this board was jumping with people posting. I made a thread called "Is it daytime in Harmony, yet?" Because I remember it was nighttime in Harmony for over a month and a half, no joke. But in Passions world it was the same day, and a million and one things happened to each character.

On soaps both now and classic it would normally be 2 days of night and then it will be daytime. Normally it will start off with morning and make it's way up until afternoon by the end of the episode.

As slow as the program ran, I think if it was on the show would only be in the year 2011 give or take. Lol

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather
