'8 students'

So Reese says (if I remember right) that 8 students ended up dead at Pendleton.
Now we know that Damon, Parker, Sasha, Michelle and Tosh died. That's 5. 6 if you count Brenda, seeing as they thought she died.
The only other deaths were the Dean and Prof. Wexler. And they weren't students.
The only other 2 people who were students in UL1 were Paul and Natalie, and they didn't die.... Unless somewhere between UL1 and Final Cut, Brenda found and killed them.
So either Reese means 8 people rather than 8 students, or Nat and Paul were killed off screen

Avarice, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Vanity, Wrath


I think she means 8 PEOPLE (Michelle, Damon, Tosh, Dean Adams, Parker, Sasha, Prof . Wexler, Janitor), and isn't including Brenda or the survivors in that number. However, it's actually inaccurate because Sasha's Assistant was killed, which makes 9.

Veronica why are you pulling my dick?


But Michelle wasn't a student at that school. She has no connection with that school. So she does not count as one of the eight.
