Better then the first?

The first kill is better, better dialog.

The important thing to remember about movies like these is simply, enjoy the ride and don't expect the endings to change your life.

I don't remember laughing out loud at any of the lines in part 1 or really digging a kill as much as in part 2, though The Dean's death in part 1 is pretty cool.

In ways it's better in ways it's worse. The explanation by Brenda in part 1 is far more feasible then the explanation of the Professor in part 2. May be goin to hell in a bucket baby but at least Im enjoyin the ride



That's not much of a reason behind your opinion but okay. Thanks for sharing.



Well as a whole yes, but a movie is made up of elements and each movie had strong and weak elements.


I prefer part one. I agree that the deaths and dialogue is better, as well as the ending.

I also didn't laugh out loud while wathcing the original, but I did laugh out at the line "o.j. left more blood than that on the bronco." in this one.


I'm glad someone can be objective with me here.




the original is SO much better than the sequel (if you can even call it that)

~Nothin' I can say, a total eclipse of the !~


Well 1 & 2 were better than Return to House on Haunted Hill and Urban Legends: Bloody Mary, they were awful, not even Kate Mara could help with Bloody Mary. 2 was funnier than the first. For me, Jennifer Morrison, Loretta Devine, Anthony Anderson, Eva Mendes, Joey Lawrence and Hart Bochner were cool in here to me. I loved the reveal of the killer in the original a little better because it was a huge shock. I love the first one, but this one had funnier lines especially by Anthony Anderson & Loretta Devine.

"Man, fv<k George Lucas!" "You know you goin' to Hell, right?" "I know"
"Now, everyone outta the creepy ass graveyard, uh, that includes the undead!"

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.



I don't think Part 1 was meant to be comical. UL1 was grounded more in irony and dark humor than silly comedy, which this movie kind of had. I think the first movie is definitely better and is more of a true horror movie, but I still actually like this sequel, probably because it's fun in it's own way.
