MovieChat Forums > The Skulls (2000) Discussion > What's so bad about this movie?

What's so bad about this movie?

I thought this movie was very well done, and the storyline was excellent. I loved how it was about a man who has to make a hard moral decision. The idea to it was cool too. I mean a secret society with a lot of power is a pretty scary concept. Is it because a society like that wouldn't be kept secret? I don't know can someone please tell me why it only got a 5.2 out of ten stars?


It is a real secret society that killed JFK and now they rule the world. George W Bush's Nazi grandfather robbed Geronimo's grave and they use the skull in their rituals. This movie blows because the real Skull and Bones are WAY darker and scarier than these dumb fratboys. Also in real life, what Will did IS suicide, so the entire murder plotline seemed like a waste.
