I live in New Haven, Conneticut, and I know at least four members of Skull & Bones. They all live in my upscale area. I have been in three of their houses and they are all huge. On has a plaque with a silver Skull & Bones on his dresser. Another has a wrist watch with Skull & Bones fingers on it. Anothers house lookes like a skull from the distance. The fourth one has an interesting mark that I once just caught a glimpse of on his wrist and when I asked him what it was he clearly lied to me. All four of them are Yale graduates, and all four of them go "out" Wendsday and Sunday nights. They are all gone for about five hours. They all leave at about the same time and all arrive back at the same time. I have never asked any of them if they are members and even if I did I know that they would lie. I was wondering if anybody else knew any members.