Are apparently members of the real "Skull and Bones" society.
They were both on Meet The Press, and Tim Russert asked them about this "secret society". They both said something to the effect of "Can't say anything about it, that's why it's a secret".
This is pretty friggin' weird. Why go on this long with a stupid society. And they're the Presidental candidates!
The Skull and Bones are one of several secret societies at Yale University.
My dad was a Yale graduate. There were pictures in the yearbook of that years crop of Skull n Bones folks. Each Secret Society had their page. Just like the Fraternities.
Hmmm... I recommend reading "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones" by Antony C. Sutton before deciding it's not a huge conspiracy.
Zill I agree. This is not your typical college group. They have a meeting every year and the press never says anything about it and just try to get over the wall and see what happens. Man has always wanted to control and this is a group that want to control everything. Globalization is the beginning. I know some of you think I am a crackpot and I don't blame you. If you have no information about the Skull and Bones then you would believe this is akin to aliens in Roswell NM. I recommend what Zill recommended to read. Clinton and the Bush's are in it. Enjoy the reading and take away what you will. It matters not what anyone thinks about it anyway. That will change nothing.
A whole bunch of founding fathers were members of FreeMasons, but Jefferson was against it because he saw prolonging a class system as being contradictory to democracy.
Here you can find a radio programm from the BBC about the Skull and (Cross)Bones 3.3MB It contains the first recording ever made of the S&B initiation ceremony.
Is this true? Concentration of wealth is bad enough considering that Yale costs a lot to attend... resulting in hook-ups among rich college students and likewise among the poor ones. Which is not really something we can prevent in a democracy, it's just a drawback of the system.
But if the members of this Skulls group really go out of their way to help one another climb the ladders of society, then that's a giant gaping hole in everything America stands for. And just to think, two of these men, who have already cheated the American way (although the extent of this in direct relation to this Skulls group is unknown), are vying over the American office... and one of them is ALREADY in power! Is that not the most repulsive, sick and twisted thing you have ever heard?
Life is a game.... that we all have to play. everybody has to jump through their hoops and roll the dice or forfeit your turn. some people lie and cheat and others just have dumb luck. Doing a leagal favor for somebody isnt cheating, its like drafting in a race. Personally I would rather have a lucky guy in office who followed the signs to get there, than a liar and cheat who always thought it better to use his fellow man as a stepping stone, without permission or favors.
you're so right! just makes it so easy for you - the rest of the world: who gives a f.u.c.k...
btw, your friends usually are liars, cheaters and they got a dumb luck as well and their favors are not that much legal...did you ever hear about noam chomsky? you should give it a try...
CNN reported this in march that they are cousins, woah, and the world has no idea!
Three powerful rich white men. I Strongly suggest checking out Alex Jones websites also
He covers this stuff, this is a strange world.
Heres a link to his movies which you can download FOR FREE, I suggest you watch 911 road to tyranny by alex jones first, then watch, american dictators, then watch the masters of terror, all available here.
He wants people to make copies of his info and get it out there as long as it's non profit.
The Bilderburg group wanted Kerry to be president or at least to run against Bush. Anyway, Alex Jones is a radio show host as well, and if you go to INFOWARS.COM and click listen, to the left, you can listen to him for free online, he takes phone calls on his show as well, oh yeah, and he is an author.
Isnt this just sickening.No matter who wins the presidency it will be the 5th president in a row that is from this secret society at Yale.This just happened to happen.Ya Right!!!!!
Puppets playing puppets.
Hollywoods doing a good job at making me wanna see more Indapendant films.
Im in a frat in PR (puerto rico) and two former governors, and almost the entire goverment is composed of my frat brothers..its the way of life. Its a huge circle, like in high school. You join a football team and you want your best friend in there so you say good things about him to the coach and he might have a bigger shot of getting on the team than someone else.
It's astonishing that some people think Skull and Bones is a conspiracy. Look people, both Kerry and Bush have admitted being in the secret society on Meet the Press. Go here and you will find all the info you need. From news articles, news clips including a freakin 60 Minutes broadcast, theres a good documentary there too. The Skull and Bones society was created in the 1700s by the Illuminati after they were basically shutdown. Their prime goal is for World Government and total enslavement of the human race. You need to realize that. They already know whos going to be the president after November 2nd. Im thinking Kerry and here's why.
-In every election, the candidate with the most royal heritage has always won. Thats Kerry. -Kerry is not only a member of Skull and Bones, but also the Bilderberg group. -Edwards was the Bilderberg groups top pick for VP candidate, and Kerry choose him. (Clinton was their top pick in 92' after a performance in front of the group.) -The globalist want to make the illusion that there is still democracy in America and put an end to the "dark age" of Dubya. -Bush is cracking up, his cocaine days seem to be catching up to him. The globalist will need some new blood, someone who can speak proper english. -Bush's given bonesname was "Temporary", hmm wonder why?
But then again, the republicans seem to be doing everything they can to stay in power by throwing democratic voter registration forms away and purging innocent black voters by the thousands. So I dunno. But I encourage you to prepare yourself. We are entering a very dark era in time.
Ones things for sure eather way you look at it.Yoy are voting for idiot-A or idiot-B.Because eather one will be horrible no matter who wins. If they instate the draft I am out of here.Also what retards will be up for election in another 4 years? Lets vote a green person into office or a playmate or something. aahahhahha
I dunno.I certainly wont be voting cus its just a waste of time.They all suck.
Hollywoods doing a good job at making me wanna see more Independent films.
Skull and Bones was founded on the campus of Yale University in 1832, not in the 1700's. The Illuminati had connections with the Freemasons back in the 1700's and is not the same 'secret society' as the Skull and Bones. These afre two different groups.
Just a further side note, there remains no proof that the Illuminati ever existed, but plenty of evidence it was a joke of sorts started in spain. Incidently, Freemasonry has NO ties to the Illuminati. No one knows where Freemasonry started or by who.
Erm, yes there is 'proof' of the illuminati. In fact there is no need for 'proof' as it is commonly accepted that they atleast did exist. Just Look up Adam Weishaupts Bavarian Illuminati as a reference point.
I wish it was just thses two politicians who were corrupt. ever since the 16th century when the killing of native Americans began & resulted in killing over 100 million native Americans (a holocaust not worth mentioning by "the human right defenders"),most of the presidents of the US have invaded countries for different excuses & killed millions & in Israel they've almost killed as much as a genocide ,u think good righteous leaders are involved in this horrific acts?
Hmm...this is interesting because I was watching the movie and I started (jokingly) thinking, "That has to be why George W. Bush became President...", but, now that I know that George W. Bush was a member of the Skull & Bones society, I'm thinking that's not so far-fetched.
Bush said it's so secret he can't talk about it jokingly.But he was being truthfull.The scary thing is it's obvisously a hardcore occult inspired group..One thing we know is they masturbate in a closed coffin and sleep a lot in coffins.And get tons of money from alumni..