MovieChat Forums > 28 Days (2000) Discussion > The rule of thumb, who said it?

The rule of thumb, who said it?

Advice to recovering drug addicts, went something like this:

Get a plant. If the plant is still alive in a year, get a pet. If the pet is still alive (and you still have it?) in a year, maybe you're ready to be in a relationship with a person.

Was it the Buscemi character that said this?

Is this standard advice to people new in recovery? In contrast, what I have heard is "Don't get married OR divorced in the first year of sobriety.". The implication being, don't make ANY major life changes in the first year if you can help it. The "plant-pet-relationship" rule of thumb seems to extend that to two years.



That exact quote isn't standard advice, but it's something along what you mentioned. Luckily I wasn't in a relationship when I went into recovery, but I saw many who were or tried to jump into anything serious quickly. Sobriety is hard work no matter what your situation is.
