Ending and Alicia?

Ok. I just got done watching this movie. I rented it because I knew Mia Kirshner was in it and I just think she's great. She didn't let me down in this movie!!

I was just wondering if anyone could enlighten me a little bit. At the end of the movie, you see Alicia (Mia) open her eyes. So, she didn't die or did she? Maybe this is the stupidest question ever, I was just a little confused!

Thanks! :)


i agree with you Mia Kirshner was the best bit of the movie and it would of been pretty crap without her in it. At the end Alicia (Mia) woke up from her coma and she's alive.


yeah it was confusing i agree; but the bitch opened her eyes, i didn't feel sorry for her bc i think she was a manipulative bitch and she shows her true colors in a few scenes - esp the way she manipulated each of hadley's two friends -- she would tell them what they wanted to hear. oh yeah that happened to me to and i did this and that - she used them as an advantage to play up to them.. mia is a great actress, and plays manipulative very well (lol)


she manipulates the viewers into loving her. lol. maybe good actors are all just manipulative.


Mia Kirshner was great in this. I liked seeing her in various characterizations. She's a beautiful girl, but early on when she's supposed to be mousy and not as attractive, she sells it with body language and demeanor. She easily could have played a mean girl type role in this as well. She's probably more versatile than given credit for.
