On purpose?

Do you think that Hadley meant to kill Alicia? It seems as though she was surprised that she took all of the cocaine. Perhaps she thought she would just freak her out again like the time they took acid. I think it's also possible that she only hesitated about calling for fear of getting herself into trouble.. what does everyone else think?


i don't think she planned for her to overdose. like you said, she seemed surprised when she discovered she took all the coke. she didn't call the police i think because she was scared. hadley was the type of character who didn't give a crap about anyone but herself and she had done stupid things like this in the past, but never that extreme. she probably realized while it was happening what she'd done. i also think, however, if alicia HAD died, Hadley wouldn't have been totally distraught over it.


"i don't think she planned for her to overdose."

Then what he planned??
What she wanted that happends to Alisha??


She seemed surprised that she took it all but once it was done, she waited like 20 minutes before she called for help. She wanted Alicia totally out of her life--as a vegetable or dead.


I actually think she wanted her to overdose but i don`t get why she was suprise she took all of it.. why would she put all of it in the package.. if she didn`t want her to overdose.. Once you start.. you can`t stop and ur gonna finish what`s left.. right. and she did wait a long time to call for help, so i do think she wanted her to die, i don`t blame her in a way. but she was shaking when she was smoking,.. maybe she jsut didn`t know what to do! .. If there is a second part like some people said! i can`t wait to see what happens,


i think she expected her to be able to handle a big party.

"Rue the day?" Who talks like that?


She said that she wanted her to show up wasted at the meeting with her father. She clearly didn't want her to die. She just wanted her father to think her friend was a screw up.


alicia opened her eyes right? so she didn't die...they kept going back and forth w/scenes so it was confusing but i thought she was alive at the end. i also think alicia had an agenda --- to get into hadley's circle; nobody forced her to do drugs, drink, and screw guys and the girl... also remember when alicia went "missing" for a few days - i think she was out scoring drugs by somebody else's house that the girls didn't know...alicia was no angel. i don't condone what hadley did, but we saw alicia's true colors in the hospital when she was taunting hadley about her father giving HER the job and not his own daughter - so yeah alicia had a plan and no longer needed the only friend who stood by her since they were kids - hell she even told the sheriff that alicia was basically going after what she wanted and nobody would get in her way... i think if alicia wakes up she should be held accountable as well for taking drugs, like i said nobody forced her to sniff ALL that coke up her nose. they were all nuts - only liked travers at the end bc he had enough of the partying and just wanted to be w/hadley bc he loved her; alicia wanted him too - but she went after warren to get the ball rolling about hadley cheating on travers w/warren...very decieving alicia was/is - hadley was just spoiled rich girl who shouldn't have let alicia be her friend.



I seriously don't think Hadley wanted to KILL Alicia Campbell. I think Hadley was jealous that her father had given Alicia a job instead of her and she wanted Mr. Ashton to see her strung out on coke. She even says after she leaves the message for her father : " Just you, me and your strung out little protégé".
