The bible states that two shall be in the field, one shall be left while the other is taken. I agree with Nicole, parents might take their children to church and not necessarily be saved or live a Christian life. They either are keeping up with the Joneses by making appearances in church, or just playing church, or wanting their kids to behave but not willing to live what they are teaching. I have learned "Do as I say, not as I do" from my own mother who constantly throws "that's not according to the bible" to me all the time while she herself sits in Judgement and ridicule of everyone and picks and chooses who she likes and doesn't. I learned about God and Jesus from being brought up in church, but I learned how NOT to treat people from my mother. When children reach the age of accountability to know what sin is and right from wrong, then they either make the decision to accept Christ or they don't. I believe the same most likely will apply to the children who are taught false religions and suicide religions. I don't know about the age of accountability factor on that, I mean, if they are taught that killing unbelievers and themselves (which is a unredeemable sin) and are never told about God or Jesus, once they are old enough, they probably mentally don't know right from wrong because they are taught that killing is right even though God sais "Thou shalt not kill." I would like to think that people would feel some sort of consience or remorse for purposely taking someone's life.
I am also disgusted at the people who boldly blaspheme God's name and His word. If you don't believe it then you aren't being forced to. You can take that up with Him when you stand before His throne come Judgement day. 8 - ) I'm sure you will have alot to talk about then.