The End Times is getting nearer and nearer
This world has gone mad. There are diseases going around, more natural disasters, hatred of anything having to do with God, rebellion against God and authority, pervsersity, and selfishness.
shareThis world has gone mad. There are diseases going around, more natural disasters, hatred of anything having to do with God, rebellion against God and authority, pervsersity, and selfishness.
shareThis world has gone mad. There are diseases going around, more natural disasters, hatred of anything having to do with God, rebellion against God and authority, pervsersity, and selfishness.So in other words, things really haven't changed all that much for the past couple thousand years.
There has been lots of perversity in the past 2000 years. Lots of it. But what has really changed is the world's and especially America's acceptance of homosexuality and teaching it to little kids.
shareIt's funny that when challenged on what's wrong with the world and how things haven't actually changed that much you always bring up homosexuality as being the culprit.
Now, whether or not you will actually answer this time, why is it so bad to accept homosexuals and where are they "teaching it to little kids".
"why is it so bad to accept homosexuals"
Why is it wrong? Because the bible says so. Cities have been destroyed because of it. "Soddom and Gamorrah (sp?)
People say that the bible is just ancient and inspirational, but not the real word of God. God doesn't exist. If that's true, who determines what's right and wrong? Most atheists will say, "Well I determine what's right and wrong". If that's the case, I can shoot you right now, because I've decided it's right.
Let me ask all you atheists another question-
Do you know everything?
You answer is most likely "no".
Would you say you know half of everything?
Again, probably not. However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Lets say you know half of everything.
Is it possible that God exists in the half of things you DON'T know?
The logical answer is yes. If it is possible, then it's possible the bible is right about everything and you will burn in Hell if you don't accept Christ. Based on pure logic, that is a real possibility. Are you really willing to take that chance?
With all the problems we have on earth today do you really think that homosexuality (which has been around for thousands of years) is the reason the earth will be destroyed?
shareWhy is it wrong? Because the bible says so. Cities have been destroyed because of it. "Soddom and Gamorrah (sp?)Funny thing is that when pressed on this people always bring up Leviticus as the reason yet don't mind the other stuff there. If homosexuality is bad because what it says in Leviticus, yet eating shellfish is okay because of the New Testament then why is homosexuality still bad?
People say that the bible is just ancient and inspirational, but not the real word of God. God doesn't exist. If that's true, who determines what's right and wrong? Most atheists will say, "Well I determine what's right and wrong". If that's the case, I can shoot you right now, because I've decided it's right.Nice strawman, but totally wrong.
Silly question because it's not possible to know everything assuming of course by "everything" you mean everything that ever was, is and will be. But I'll play along and say "no".
Let me ask all you atheists another question-
Do you know everything?
You answer is most likely "no".
Would you say you know half of everything?Again highly doubtful but we'll go with that for the moment.
Again, probably not. However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Lets say you know half of everything.
Is it possible that God exists in the half of things you DON'T know?Fail.
The logical answer is yes.
If it is possible, then it's possible the bible is right about everything and you will burn in Hell if you don't accept Christ. Based on pure logic, that is a real possibility.Again, that's a fail as it's simply not "pure logic". This is nothing but Pascal's Wager which is a logical fallacy in that it assumes such a deity exists to begin with.
Are you really willing to take that chance?Yes. I'm 100% convinced that I'm right and when I die, I simply die. You can keep your heaven. I'd much prefer oblivion. share
Straws? Really? lol!
I never quoted Leviticus. Let me give a new testament passage from AFTER Jesus abolished the old ceremonial laws: Romans 1:26-32 (emphesis added)
The bible says, "For this cause God gave them up unto VILE affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST NATURE. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is UNSEEMLY, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convinient; being filled with all unrightouness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backstabbers, haters of God, despitful, proud, boaster, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmercieful" who knowing the judgment of God that THEY THAT COMMIT SUCH THINGS ARE WORTHY OF DEATH, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."
Sounds pretty clear to me. Even after the new covenant.
"Society determines what is right and what is wrong and has laws to protect it's citizens from dangerous nutjobs that walk around thinking they can kill whomever they want. "
And who determines what society says is right and wrong? People. Who decides for the people? If you're a Christian, God does, if you're an athiest, the individual person does.
"The logical answer is not "yes". If you really want to get technical, the best you can hope for is a "maybe"."
But if you only know half of everything, the proof for the possibility of God could be in the half you don't know.
"This is nothing but Pascal's Wager which is a logical fallacy in that it assumes such a deity exists to begin with. "
The assumtion came from the first half of my example. If there's a possibility for God then there is a possibility the bible is true.
Or, in language you might prefer, If maybe there is a God, then maybe the bible is true.
"Yes. I'm 100% convinced that I'm right and when I die, I simply die. You can keep your heaven. I'd much prefer oblivion."
I'm sorry you feel this way. You may be "convinced", but can you gurantee that, 100%? I hope someday you come to accept the truth.
Agreed. The anti-homosexuality cult just annoy me.
To the anti-Gay types:
(The rest of this post on the assumption that homosexuality is a sin)
All sins equally separate us from God. As such, why are we so worried about homosexuality? Adultery is FAR more rampant, and probably more damaging (except in the case where the homosexual behaviour is also adulterous).
Leviticus is pretty down on lots of 'sexual perversions', most of which are still considered pretty crude by today's standards. Incest, beastiality etc, but there are a few that aren't:
Do not approach a woman to have sexual relations during the uncleanness of her monthly period
Do not have sexual relations with your neighbor’s wife and defile yourself with her.
Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.
What did JESUS say about homosexuality? That's right, absolutely nothing. And since Christianity is built upon the teachings of Jesus, logially, homosexuality isn't a sin.
Well, for something that is supposed to be written by a "perfect" being, the Bible seems rather kludged together and rather fails - miserably - to give, ah, straight answers to life's questions.
shareAll doctrine in The Bible was written by Him through men.
Wrong. EPIC fail. The Bible was written by men.
Logic doesn't lead one to the mere "possibility" that God exists. Logic can only be used if evidence makes it probably that God exists. The existence of a Bible does not constitute such evidence.
Why? Ockham's Razor. There are two possibilities:
1. That the Bible represents God's will, and was only written by way of Men.
2. That the Bible was written by ordinary Men, not moved by any Divine Spirit.
The simpler of the two is the latter.
And you need to do a little reading up on Social Contract theory before you start bashing it as infinitely inferior to divine authority. Mankind is perfectly capable of recognizing the need for laws, and what those laws should be, and that those laws should apply equally to all, without need of divine intervention.
I can say that the topic of the thread is correct and that this would is going down hill fast. What may bring some anger is that a part of the Christian movement called Evangelicals is helping it happen. For one the Bible isn't a law book and it's not up to believers to enforce the world. Also the stupidity of this group in who they vote for is also insane. Extreme right wingers through out those catch phrases like Pro-Life and Anti-Gay and they jump all over it. They don't even look at who the candidate really is. Those words alone is all they look at.
What made Christianity in the country great in the past is that publicly we have always had a choice. It wasn't in your face and most churches didn't look at the Bible as a law book. If the Evangelical Church want's to play the law cards here is one for you. Stop pointing out that spec in someone else eye when you have a beam in your own.
I never said homosexuality is the cause. I'm just stating why I won't support it. I can accept that people are homosexual. But I don't have to support them either.
"I never said homosexuality is the cause. I'm just stating why I won't support it. I can accept that people are homosexual. But I don't have to support them either. "
Amen! Yet the militant homosexuals and the militant homophiles will accuse you and anyone that doesn't like homosexuals to be "haters". And this is the way they advance their gay agenda to achieve more rights for homosexuals.
Well there is a lot of things that I can accept, yet don't support, nor like. But that doesn't mean I "hate" them. For instance, I don't like radishes nor Japanese cars.
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It's that there is no reason for you not to support them. They are human beings like any other and deserve to be treated equally.
'The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time'
Well, for me personally it's not about being obsessed about the end times, but heeding the warnings by both Christ and Paul about this very subject. If it wasn't important the warnings would be senseless. Christ says to watch and that's what I do. But I still live my life as I normally would.
And we might not know the "hour" but we are to know the season so we won't be deceived.
It is true that the world is more civilized. The last 100 years have seen unparalleled human progress! It also true that the technology to destroy life on earth (as we know it) has only existed since 1945 (i.e. “let the weak say, I am strong” - Joel 3:10). Prior to that, it was never even possible for man to “destroy the earth” (or earth as we know it). Scientists created the "Doomsday Clock" in 1947 to weigh in on how close we might be to annihilation (largely by our own hand). There have never been so many human mouths to feed and we are beginning to see limits on how that might be accomplished by conventional methods (i.e. all crops are grown from what amounts to only 10 inches of top soil). We also have in our hands, the technology to disrupt natural law (which is sometimes good and sometimes disastrous). Some droughts have been caused by human technology. No other species on earth has our cerebral capacity and no other species is capable of wreaking such unnatural devastation. There are still over 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world and until they are all dismantled, I would say we should have more than a casual concern for what we collectively do as a species (and where that might be leading us). The Book of Revelations prophetically speaks of many environmental plagues and the results of what can only be described as, “nuclear holocaust”. Jesus speaks of a time when, “the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light”. Sounds a lot like nuclear winter to me.
Read your newspaper. Though I believe attacking Iraq was misguided, President Bush was at least right about one thing: One nuclear weapon in the hands of anyone who would think it prudent to fly planes into the World Trade Center, clearly presents very dangerous scenarios that must be resolved! That alone could trigger World War III! In the nuclear age, ignorance is certainly not bliss so it is very timely to be concerned about the direction we appear to be headed in.
Also this whole thing going on in Egypt predicted by the Bible.
Leave your "Write me a role on Glee" message after the beep
Also this whole thing going on in Egypt predicted by the Bible. >>> That's what you guys ALWAYS say about every last crisis that pops up in the world, yet nothing ever comes of it. Why? Because your prophecy is written in the most vague fashion as to be applied to anything the simple minded reader chooses to apply it to. It's kind of like horoscopes in this regard. It's whole point is to keep the dummy reader entranced by it's dire warnings of the end being neigh. You people are gullible jokes who waste your life on things that do not matter, just like followers of astrology and other such nonsense. Doomsayer fools have existed ever since language has existed, and they are ALWAYS wrong. You latest crop of fools are no exception.
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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
This is the most reduntant subject line I've read.
That's like saying Christmas is getting nearer and nearer.
Yes, it is. We're closer to Christmas, 2012 now than we were when I started posting this reply.
The world is no more 'mad' than it has been for the last thousand years.
People always want to live at the 'end times'. We're generally NUTS about it. I've lost count of how many 'ends of the world' I've lived through. If I get to Christmas 2012 that will be ANOTHER one (21st December, 2012).
If it's going to happen it's going to happen. Probably best to live life as if it is... in other words be good to your neighbour, put out the garbage, and believe in God.
And here I am, in the year 2013. No end of the world yet.
"An Archer is known by his aim, not by his arrows."
-Li Chen-Sung (Richard Loo) The Outer Limits