Jewish Holidays proofs the pre-tribulation Rapture!
I had to change my view of rapture to pre-tribulation as this movie states. Jews (in Old Testament of the Bible) have 7 festivals, and four of those Jesus fulfilled in His first coming in the spring festivals. BUT there are still three (3) festivals to be filled in autumn. Now prepare to be surprised.
Spring festivals:
1. Pesach (Passover) / Easter
- Feed from the slavery of Egypt vs freed from bond of the sin
- Blood of lamb protected from the death
2. Hag HaMatzah (Feast of Unleavened Bread) / Crucifixion
- unleavened bread vs Bread of Life
- The going out of Egypt vs The burial of Jesus
3. Bikkurim (First Fruits) / Resurrection
- Crossing the Red Sea vs The resurrection of Jesus
4. Shavout (Feast of Weeks) / Pentecost
- Moses got the Law in stone tablets, but Christians got the Law written in their hearts (Holy Spirit)
- 3000 died in Sinai, but in new covenant 3000 got Holy Spirit
- Book of Ruth. A gentile (Ruth) saves a jew (Naomi).
- "The First Trump" blown and associated with Pentecost!
Autumn festivals:
5. Rosh HaShanah (Festival of Trumpets)/ The RAPTURE (and the resurrection of the dead)
- "Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, in the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation." -Leviticus 23:24
- The gates of Heaven are opened on Rosh HaShanah so the righteous nation may enter (Isaiah 26:2, Psalm 118:19-20).
- Prior to Festival of Trumpets, they sound one trumpet per day, except Sabbath, and the last trumpet is blown at the start of festival!
- Christ comes to save people, only non-righteouss are left, and meets them in clouds.
- In jewish wedding, the bride (The Church) is "stolen" by bridegroom (Jesus).
- "The Last Trump" blown and associated the Feast of Trumpets!
- Yom Teruah is always celebrated for two days, because the moon cycle, thus nobody knows "the day or hour"
- Waiting for Day of Atonement starts at Rosh HaShanah
- Don't wait until after Rosh HaShanah, or you will find yourself in the Days of Awe.
- Also known as Yom Teruah (the Day of the Awakening Blast) and Yom Hakeseh (The Hidden Day)
6. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) / Christ's Second Coming
- Christ comes to judge people, only righteous are left
- "The Great Trump" blown at the Day of Atonement (Isaiah 27:13)
- Must be a Jubilee year (2015, 2022 etc)
- Read more:
7. Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) / Great Rejoicing
- Entering the Promised Land vs The Messianic Era (1000 years)
- Time of rest, Sabbath of the Sabbaths, the millenial era (1000 years) is the "last day" of 6000 years
- Read more:
Why the pre-tribulation Rapture?
- Revelation 19:11-12 does NOT speak about resurrection of the dead (because it happens in Rapture) nor does Zechariah 14:1-15!
- Returns with army of saints (where did they come from?)
- Why would be we Christians be chearing and happy about the tribulation?
- Jesus said that it's not for YOU to know the times or the seasons, when apostoles asked about restoration of Israel (Acts 1:7). But why is it so explicitly stated (1260 days, 3,5 years etc.) when Jesus comes to Judge people?
- Apostle Paul told about the last trumpet before Revelation was written!
- The term 'rapture' comes from the Greek word 'harpazo', which means "to seize, catch away, catch up, pluck, pull, take by force"
- Why did Jesus went to prepare rooms for us, if He is (just) coming back?
- In resurrection we do not have sex, thus no children. Paul stated that we're going to change when this happens, thus who is going to populate the millenial era is the rapture happens at the end.
- Jesus is (now) Prince of Peace, but he is going to return as King of Kings, with the Queen (The Church)
- Anticrist will NOT appear, "until he be taken out of the way". Who is taken out of the way? Answer is the righteouss and their prayers. (2 Thess. 2:6-8)
About Jewish Wedding (analogue to Lamb's Wedding between Jesus and The Church):
- The virgin girl shows that she accepts the written covenant agreement of the marriage by drinking a glass of wine
- The bride price is paid by the groom for the bride.
- The groom departs to build the bridal chamber where they will live together
- When finished, the groom would return at a time unexpectedly(!) to fetch, or take away (rapture) his bride, like a thief in the night.
- At the end of this bridal week (7 years tribulation), the bride and groom emerge at the wedding feast or marriage supper (millenium).
- The slaughter (Armageddon) at the marriage supper, is pictured in Judges 14 as Samson kills the Philistines.
- read more:
My point here is to BE READY and you need to repent, and accept Jesus as your saviour. See this movie! "12 Biggest Lies":
PS. Pure speculation about the timing, but norwegian Olav Rogden had prophecy about the rapture and it occured day after sunday (monday). So, we need to follow when Festival of Trumpets when it's monday(ish). This year (2012) it's 17th and 18th of September (monday and tuesday!), but if it doesn't happen this year then the following years have monday(ish) Festival of Trumpets: 2015, 2016 and 2018. Check from here: