MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2001) Discussion > Why American christians would hate Jesus

Why American christians would hate Jesus

In the glorius appearing, White american christians will be shocked to find that Jesus actually looks like an arab (the jews and arabs are brothers from abraham and so look the same). Many of them will be too prejudiced to bow down to the arab looking Jesus of the second coming, and will reject him there outright for being a "sand "neegger" Do you think this will happen??

This is closer to what Jesus actually looks like:


why would you post this? This i just down right stupidity. So he's a freakin arab. Who cares? I wouldn't. What I think you might be saying is that the prejudice people would. Not all of America is predjudice. remember this.

You sure like nachos.Problem is, they're nacho nachos.-Hannah Montana


Maybe he wasnt speaking to you personally. He was speaking to the majority of the American people. You cant deny that there are still TONS of people who are racist towards the arabs. I wont lie, I was alittle racist once 9/11 hit, but I had to come to realize that not all the people in the middle east think bad towards us. Its just the extremists. Most people (yes, most people) cant seem to look past the skintone of people. Sounds like you are able to, seeing as how you say you arent racist. I applaud you. I am glad.

But the OP has a point. Most Americans prob would hate the FACT that Jesus was not white. He was indeed Arab. The only reason he is portrayed as white, is because the racist people needed a holy figure from thier same race to worship. That basically came about in the reniasance era.


Not Arabs, radical Muslims...I have friends that are Arab looking, i just do not approve of the ones who want to kill me because I am an infidel.......If God is all powerful Jesus can appear however he wants to..Isn't he above the flesh, or some such?? He may appear different to each person that see's him...BTW, its not racist to like your own race..

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


In the glorius appearing, White american christians will be shocked to find that Jesus actually looks like an arab (the jews and arabs are brothers from abraham and so look the same). Many of them will be too prejudiced to bow down to the arab looking Jesus of the second coming, and will reject him there outright for being a "sand "neegger" Do you think this will happen??

This is closer to what Jesus actually looks like:

It's a lot easier to believe (assuming he existed of course) that he looked like that, than the blond "Roman" look he's been molded into.


That depends on who did the molding. Have you seen pictures of the Chinese Jesus?


That depends on who did the molding. Have you seen pictures of the Chinese Jesus?
Yes, and I've heard legends that he's buried in Aomori Japan. Nice area, lots of apples there.


You know, people, especially in america have an easy time saying they wouldn't have a problem with this, but I think they're kidding themselves. Anyway this is actually a much bigger issue - conversion and religion as cultural identity.

Christianity claims to be a universal truth, but it isn't and never has been. When there was widespread (forced) conversion, one of the ways they did it was to adopt local customs and incorporate them into christianity. This accounts for statues, icons, mary fixations, etc. Part of this that which is still used today is the 'aryan jesus' concept in artwork. This is a joke, but no bigger joke than putting easter, all-hallows eve and christmas at the same time as pagan holidays. My point is that "universalism" spread only as long as it changed with each cultural identity, with a little christian spin on it!

Christianity is an offshoot of judaism and jesus was a jew, so it stands to reason that he'd look like one. And even though christians read the bible with great vigor and love to celebrate the seder and other christian/jewish customs, if they had to look at someone that looked like Judd Hirsch I think they'd be a little less enthusiastic about it! If he looked like Osama bin laden it would be even worse. But they'd never admit it. It's the same reason whenever they used to make Anne Frank movies they'd get the cutest northern european looking white girl they could find to represent her, so the average american wouldn't be put off and feel slightly less than sympathetic for the plight of the jew in WWII. I swear holocaust museums probably owe a debt to Millie Perkins!

So I don't know if american christians would hate jesus, but there might be less christians in the whole world if jesus insisted on being represented as his old world hebrew human form!


"than the blond "Roman" look he's been molded into."

Although in art, Our Lord is almost always painted with European features, most pictures of Him usually show Him as a Brunette, rather than a Blond.


Boy, you got that right.....Want my Jesus White.

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


Only an idiot would beleive jesus was white.


Ah the rantings of small minded liberals. Jesus is white...and black...and Hispanic...and Arab...and Oriental...etc. This is the real Christian belief. God created man in His own image and to be honest, no one really knows what he looked like because there is no mention of His appearance until His 2nd coming in Revelations and that only described Him as having white hair and shiny feet. Real Christians, as you put it, could care less of His actual appearance. The only thing real Christians would maybe balk at is if God looked like the thing on South Park. So, before pigeonholing Christians, may I suggest you actually educate yourself on the subject before sounding off like an idiot.

When you steal from Peter and give to Paul, you will always have the support of Paul.


Jesus is Jewish, not white.


And there are no white Jews?

When you steal from Peter and give to Paul, you will always have the support of Paul.


Jesus was neither white nor black, He was a Jew and was probably "in-between", skin-tone wise. And you BADLY underestimate "White American Christians". I'm what you call a "White American Christian", and though I'm not offended, I'm telling you, you should get your facts straight. No offense, but are you so narrow-minded to just assume that all "white American Christians" are racist or something, and would reject Jesus because of his physical appearance or something...? If that is so, you are wrong. And no one that I know thinks of Jesus as the way Jesus is portrayed in pictures and paintings like in the Renaissance days and whatnot. I think any knowledgeable person KNOWS that. Yeah, Hollywood films have always portrayed Jesus in that way, but Hollywood is far from being Christian, or representing the whole of American Christians. So, original poster, you are only addressing a stereotypical "white American Christian".

Yes, that's me...Little miss Lee...


I think that the people who believe the story of this movie to be fact will be disappointed. They will see that the Rapture is total fiction and that trying to tear this country apart to take it over in the name of Christ is a sin. They will also find out that all the hate they show others is wrong.

In short they will find out that they have been serving satin the whole time.


I partly agree with this statement. I think alot of Christians are being set up with a false belief about the rapture. And will probably fall right into Satan's hands because of it. (if they want to believe a lie, God will send them strong delusion, 2nd Thes) This is were the great apostasy plays in.

As for Christ, the real one (Satan will play at being one) I believe there is no other that we can achieve salvation. But I'm only here to plant seeds, in the end we all have to sail our own boats about what we believe and what religion we follow.


Yes. Because only White American Christians are racist. There aren't racist Black American Christians, or racist Hispanic American Christians. That's just stupid. It's not like every demographic in America was hit by the terrorist attacks. Only White Americans. And it will certainly affect how these Christians choose to worship the God they all believe in and trust. We're just not going to be Christian when we find out He's an Arab. We just won't. We'll stop. That's what's going to change everything. The fact that Yeshua Ben Josephus was born in Israel and has a darker skin tone than we'd prefer. You are a great and wise person for figuring it out. In fact, not only will reject this Israeli, we're going to insult Him and curse Him because we're all slack-jawed idiots who have no concept of acceptance in any way. We're probably going to try to shoot Him. I think I'll send that out to all my anti-Israeli Christian brothers, AKA ALL OF THE WHITE FOLK IN AMERICA.


Thank you for being an idiot.


Not to mention, he gave away food for zip and helped out the poor and disenfranchised and condemned those who accumulated wealth and kept it all to themselves.


$§ "You don't win. You just do a little better each time." ~o~
