MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2001) Discussion > The plan to avoid being left behind eith...

The plan to avoid being left behind either pr-trip or post trib rapture

If your not sure if you will or wont be left behind in either a pre-trib or post-trib rapture-Jesus did say only God himself knows the answer. I do know that all should go through the born-again process heres how

1. Admit that you have sinned. We all are sinners. Read Romans 3:23 and 1 John 1:8 in your Bible

2. Know that sin seperates us from God-1 John 1:5 and Romans 6:23
and theres nothing you can do on your own to get rid of your sins
Titus 3:5

3. Understand and Belive that Jesus Christ is the only one who can save you from
your sins-John 3:16, Acts 4:12, 1 Peter 3:18
Jesus died for the sins of all- 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 and Romans ^:9
God is will forgive all sins and offer eternal life to those that belive John

4. Turn from your sins and ask Jesus in your heart right now. If ready say a prayer like this and mean it 100% with complete faith

Dear God, I confess I am a sinner. I have led a life seperated from you. Now
I belive Jesus Christ died for all my sins. I repent of my sinful nature and ask
Jesus to be my Lord and Savior forever. Thank you so much for giving me eternal life. In your name Amen.

If you said that prayer then I belive you are ready for the Lord's second coming. Keep up the faith through babtism, regular prayer, reguar Christ-centered church, continual confessing and asking forgivness of sins, and love
and forgive all.

May the Lord bless and save all who read this. Glory to God and Jesus

Romans 6:23
John 10:27-29


1) I admit nothing.
2) Well, my ancestors were fighting over water holes and dead animals.
3) Interestingly enough "Christos", a Greek word, is theorized to derive from Krishna, whose own philosophy predates Jesus, but hits on all of Jesus's teachings. Odds are traders imported the philosophy from India to Roman occupied Judea during the classic age. Cool huh?
4) Well, hearing voices in your head is a sign of schizophrenia. I'd see a doctor if that started happening.

I'm not a "sinner", and anything I've done has been within commonly understood ethics.

I'm just curious what a triceratops or stegosaurus might have done way back when.

The Romans were right to identify "Christianity" as a cult. I'm just sorry they couldn't stamp it out, and were themselves just as myoptic, corrupt, and more malevolent in direct application of law with those they didn't like.


Only God knows the day or the hour but we are to know the season so we won't be deceived when the time comes.

One "must" heed the warnings by Christ in Matthew 24 and Paul in 2nd Thes so that the day doesn't come upon you unprepared.


People claim that Dungeons & Dragons freaks ruin their own lives by obsessing over fantasy, but Christians (and other theists) take the cake.

Jesus is a false prophet, since he predicts that the end of the world will come within the lifetimes of his disciples. Matthew 24 (and 26:64), Mark 9 and 13 (and 14:64), and Luke 9 and 21. So the New Testament is one big goof.


The teachings of Christ aren't just to the disciples, etc.

And actually Jesus does give the season, he said that the generation that sees the coming of the fig tree (this happened in 1948 when Israel became a nation) he said "that" generation will "not" pass until all prophecy has been fulfilled.


The plan to avoid being left behind either pre-trip or post-trib rapture:

#1.) Understand that there is no such thing as The Rapture, or The Tribulation, and that biblical prophesy is silly. (If you can do this, jump to #4, otherwise move forward slowly to #2.)

#2.) Use some common sense if you're still stuck on #1. It's ok, lot's of people have trouble with the first part. Move slowly to #3, where the real work happens.

#3.) If common sense has failed you, or you don't have any, or you're confused because you're surrounded by people like glemay25 who won't leave you alone... really study the subject. Read all sides. Thoroughly. Does any of it make sense to you? Does history support any of it? Do you find you're believing what you want to believe? Do you find yourself suddenly unsure of what you believe? Keep reading. Ask questions. Be skeptical. Look for logic. Look for unsupported nonsense. Look for statements that require faith over evidence. Your common sense should kick in.

#4.) Don't waste a single moment worrying about being left behind. Spend those moments instead living your life as richly as you can. Enjoy it! It may be over sooner than you think so you might as well live it fully. Don't forget to tell the people you love how you feel - their lives may be over sooner than they think too.

A lot of strange things happen in this world. Things you don't know about in Grand Rapids.
