MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2001) Discussion > Will these people actually be saved??

Will these people actually be saved??

The LEft Behind series is one of my favorite books but my pastor and this guest preacher that we had actually disagreed with the theology. A lot of End Times related fiction like Left Behind and the books by Joel C Rosenberg portrays the war of Gog and Magog as happening before the Rapture. Its actually said that Russia is the country that invades Israel in that war, because Magog is Russia and refers to Moscow though that's not mentioned in this movie. Russia IS mentioned as attacking Israel in the Left Behind book. Some soruces say that the War of Gog and Magog doesn't necessarily precede the Rapture. I've been taught that the Rapture is always imminent that nothing has to happen before it happens, even though with the Russian alliance with Iran and Syria today its conceivable that Russia may help the Islamic nations attack Israel .

My pastor and several nonfiction books I've read also say that those saved during the Tribulation will only be Jews and others who haven't heard the gospel before. According to them, people like the pastor in this movie and Chloe (maybe Buck hasn't heard the gospel before he was part of the liberal elite media), won't have a chance to be saved because if you've heard the gospel and rejected it, then once the Rapture happens it will be too late for you, you will either serve the Antichrist, die in the Tribulation, or be cast into the lake of fire at the end of the 7 years. According to my pastor, if someone has witnessed to you and you are not saved and the Rapture happens they you will be among those misled by the Antichrist (like the delegates in the meeting in this film).


I wouldn't put too much stock into what my pastor or some guest preacher says over what the Bible teaches. The rapture is false doctrine to begin with. Both Christ and Paul give out warnings on this very subject -the end times. Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 lays out everything perfectly. And Paul is a 2nd witness in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 that Christ will not return until after the son of perdition sits on the throne proclaiming to be God. The Thessalonians like many others still today were confused by his teaching in 1st Thessalonians that the day of Christ was at hand. And he comes out with a 2nd book to clear up that confusion.

Don't be deceived, Christ returns at the last and final trump, the trump of God which is the 7th. Antichrist comes at the 6th. Paul teaches that there will be a great falling away (in the Greek this is apostasy, falling away from one's faith) so we are talking supposed saved people here. And because people would rather believe in a lie God will be the one to send the delusion. Anti in the Greek means instead of, he will be here instead of Christ. People will believe he is the real Christ because Revelation says he looks like the lamb but spoke as a dragon. The rapture plays into how he will be able to deceive the entire world (other than those will the seal of God) Christ comes at an hour that most do not expect. That's because most of the world will already think he is here. That's why when the true Christ returns, people will pray to have mountains fall on them, they are that ashamed.

You keep bringing up your pastor and books other than the Bible, I urge you to truly read the bible in the context it was written. It should be read as any other book to get the complete context and you'll see that the rapture doctrine is simply false. As Christ teaches the disciples in Matthew 24, he returns after the tribulation.

I once believed in my pastors as well the rapture doctrine but saw the truth about 14 years ago when someone once planted a seed for me and got into the word and saw the truth simply laid out.

According to them, people like the pastor in this movie and Chloe (maybe Buck hasn't heard the gospel before he was part of the liberal elite media), won't have a chance to be saved because if you've heard the gospel and rejected it, then once the Rapture happens it will be too late for you, you will either serve the Antichrist, die in the Tribulation, or be cast into the lake of fire at the end of the 7 years. According to my pastor, if someone has witnessed to you and you are not saved and the Rapture happens they you will be among those misled by the Antichrist (like the delegates in the meeting in this film).
Have you asked your pastor what the scriptures are that back up this belief?

As for Jews in the tribulation, there are 12, 000 from all the tribes set aside for the 144,000, not just Judah. (Jews are from the tribe of Judah) But these are witnesses, it's not talking about who's saved in the tribulation. These will witness during the tribulation. You can't fit all Jewish people into one tribe but people sadly are still not taught about the 12 tribes. I certainly wasn't as well.

As God says in Psalms, do not put your trust in man (I would say even Pastor) over him. So I would strongly urge you to see if what they teach can be taught in the context it was given.

Personally I would rather trust God, and especially Christ and Paul's teachings on the end times.

Take care.
