Are you sure that when Jesus said He would come after He isn't referring to the second time He actually TOUCHES the earth? Because when the saints are taken up He never touches down. It says He meets them in the air
The disciples as for signs of his coming, singular. When you start to make this into more than one, you are changing God's word. Not once does Christ mention coming before. Why wouldn't he? The disciples have asked for the signs. There's not one mention of him coming back for his bride before the tribulation. This is Matthew, the beginning of the NT. If a rapture is true, where's the very first verse that mentions such an event? I'd actually love to see it. Because in 1st Thes chapter 4 and 5 Paul names the event he's describing.
In 4:17 Yes, he meets them in the air, but we are not going anywhere. And you see in this verse 16, he comes with a shout and the voice of the archangel and the trump of God. People will obviously see and hear this. It's not some quiet event.
Read into chapter 5 after we meet him in the air. Paul (who always teaches on 3 levels, so everyone is included) says in verse one, "But of the times and seasons, brethen, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2) For yourselves know that the day of the Lord (he names this very event he just spoke of in 4:17) comes as a thief in the night. 3) Peace and safety, and then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape. (God's wrath) 4) But, ye, brethen are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief" He tells us to watch.
Peace and safety and then sudden destruction? I thought a thief in the night was about a rapture? Well Paul has just told us about a thief in the night and apparently not.
So you see, he "only" comes like a thief in the night to those "not" expecting him, so there are signs and seasons to watch for. And speaking of that same thief, Christ also used the same analogy in Matthew 24. So Matthew 24 and both Thes are giving the same warnings, same message.
And then again, like I said because of with even the Thessalonians being confused, Paul wrote a second letter to clear up that confusion and he does with 2nd Thes chapter two
"Now we beseech you, brethern, by the coming (one) of our Lord Jesus and our gathering back together unto Him. That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us (talking about 1st Thes) that the day (there's that day again, and still singular) of Christ is at hand."
Here's the most important one 3) Let no man deceive you by any means (same warning as Christ) for that day shall not happen (in itallics for emphasis)except there come a falling away (translated apostasy) and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."
So to me, both Christ and Paul are very clear and precise about and both give very stern warnings so that we won't be deceived. Not once does either of them say he comes before, don't worry, etc. Just the exact opposite.
I was like you, I believed in the rapture. But when someone mentioned it wasn't true, instead of trying to prove one way or the other, I took it upon myself to actually read the Bible with an open mind. (not just a verse here and there, etc) something I'm ashamed to say after reading many books in my lifetime had never done. And after 7 years, I'm still reading, still studying things. But the one thing that is very clear to me is that the more you study and read, the more things flow and gell together. People constantly debate this subject and yet, if we take on the subject with a fresh and open mind, it all flows together. And why would someone like me and many others who once believed change our views? I read for myself and saw it wasn't true. And I would rather accept the love of the truth as God would have it than believe a lie. (2nd Thes 2:10) Christ is the ultimate teacher on this subject and Paul a perfect second witness. Why would we choose to believe anyone else?