MovieChat Forums > Left Behind (2001) Discussion > Something I don't understand

Something I don't understand

In this movie, the anti Christ is setting everything up for his 7 years. I guess I am talking about all three movies. Anyway, according to the legend or myth or story, however you view it (not the Left Behind book but the actual theory) isn't the anti Christ supposed to have peace for 3 1/2 years and then unveil himself for the next 3 1/2 years? Why then is the anti Christ being so evil right away, even behind closed doors. I thought he is supposed to deceive everyone.


Why then is the anti Christ being so evil right away, even behind closed doors. I thought he is supposed to deceive everyone.

Well, he does mess with people's minds to make them forget his actions ( unless they have the protection of God like Buck ) so he's still got them under his deception.


You might as well watch Harry Potter because that's how real this movie is! 

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Simon Greenleaf, one of the principle founders of Harvard Law School--and former non-believer, not only proved the existence of Jesus, but proved the documentation of the resurrection was real, also based on over five hundred accounts of seeing Jesus after his resurrection.

Fascinating, isn't it?


"Proved" is a gross overstatement regarding what Greenleaf produced. He starts with the assumption that the authors of the gospels were eyewitnesses to the events, and that the gospels themselves are presumed authentic as ancient documents, in that they come from a proper repository (churches) and show no signs of forgery.

As to the first, scholars have long recognized that the gospel authors were not eyewitnesses (see the exhaustive discussion here:, and that they relied on earlier sources (including in some cases other of the gospels) in putting together their narratives. Accounts put together by people who were not eyewitnesses, decades after the events in question, do not deserve much in the way of credence as evidence. In the legal field, this sort of evidence is hearsay, and the general rule is that it is not admitted into evidence.

Second, the earliest fragments of the gospels we have only go back to the first half of the second century, see In other words, we only have fragments (not whole books) of the gospels dating back as far as about 100 years after the events in question, after any eyewitnesses to the events would have been long dead. (To get even a substantial portion of any of the gospels, you need to rely on additional fragments that are at least another century removed from the time of Jesus.) These copies of copies of copies are not authoritative as to what the original gospels said before they reached final form, let alone what was in the lost earlier source documents (and oral traditions) that the authors drew upon.


Top Frog, not only that but the entire bible and Jesus story are simply myths copied from earlier gods who also had resurrection, disciples, performed miracles, etc. Everything the Christians talk about Jesus today is simply PROMOTION & PROPAGANDA!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


On the question of the existence of Jesus I'll turn the floor over to Bart Ehrman, a professor at the University of North Carolina, an ex-Christian who is an expert on the New Testament and early Christianity (

With respect to Jesus, we have numerous, independent accounts of his life in the sources lying behind the Gospels (and the writings of Paul) -- sources that originated in Jesus' native tongue Aramaic and that can be dated to within just a year or two of his life (before the religion moved to convert pagans in droves). Historical sources like that are pretty astounding for an ancient figure of any kind. Moreover, we have relatively extensive writings from one first-century author, Paul, who acquired his information within a couple of years of Jesus' life and who actually knew, first hand, Jesus' closest disciple Peter and his own brother James. If Jesus did not exist, you would think his brother would know it.

Moreover, the claim that Jesus was simply made up falters on every ground. The alleged parallels between Jesus and the "pagan" savior-gods in most instances reside in the modern imagination: We do not have accounts of others who were born to virgin mothers and who died as an atonement for sin and then were raised from the dead (despite what the sensationalists claim ad nauseum in their propagandized versions).


not only proved the existence of Jesus, but proved the documentation of the resurrection was real, also based on over five hundred accounts of seeing Jesus after his resurrection.

According to that level of "proof", ghosts have been proved to be real, as have UFOs being alien vessels, and so have alien abductions.

All PROVEN, by those standards.

Oh yeah... don't forget Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Elvis being alive in shopping malls, leprechauns, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, dragons, unicorns, elves, and any number of mythological creatures "seen" by large numbers of people.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan


COME ON TopFrog! I can't believe you've been brainwashed like naive Christnuts! Because Jesus had a brother??  So did Hercules, Krishna, Rama, and many other gods! Not a single eyewitness EVER saw Jesus or his brother or ANY major bible character! It is all a FRAUD and deep down you know it! Explain the over 100 writers who lived in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus yet NEVER heard of him! Read below and get educated dude!

Bart was an evangelical christian for 15 years. Now, he calls himself agnostic but he has kept ongoing dialogue with evangelicals.

Bart always brags about his bible teaching job that christian organizations pay him to do and how anyone who questions jesus does not have such a teaching job like his and this makes all of us non-creditable. I wonder why christians don’t pay anyone to teach about the fraud of jesus?

The interview: 

When asked in a recent interview (The Infidel Guy Show) about the evidence for the historical Jesus, Bart Ehrman threw out the tired line:

“I don’t know any serious or reputable scholar doubts that a historical Jesus existed.”

I love that claim with no evidence.

“ALL New Testament scholars unanimously agree that Jesus existed.” ~Bart Ehrman

ALL? That is a complete LIE!

Interviewer: There are historians that disagree with you right?

Bart D Ehrman: No. None that I ever heard of.

Interviewer: Oh really?

Bart D Ehrman: Well, not serious historians.


“We have more evidence for jesus than almost anybody from his time period.” ~Bart Ehrman

That is a complete LIE! Take a look:

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


I don't have time right now (or really the inclination) to follow your links, but this statement of yours caught my eye:

Not a single eyewitness EVER saw Jesus or his brother or ANY major bible character!
Paul in Galatians claimed to meet with James the brother of Jesus. Are you claiming that that passage or letter was a forgery, or that Paul somehow was a myth too?

I did read Ehrman's book on this subject, and he seemed to respond pretty well to the evidence, such as it is, that has been produced by those claiming that Jesus did not really exist.



COME ON Paul! You are citing scripture! You realize based on your logic ALL gods and ALL religions are real if you simply use that religion's scripture as support?

Learn what EVIDENTIARY means! There is ZERO proof outside the bible to support any of the claims they make! Remember the bible simply makes the CLAIMS but provides NO support for those claims!

To help you realize how all these bible characters are fictional you need to read stories of other religions and see the HUNDREDS of characters in other religious scriptures! You think they're all real just because they say so?? Not a chance! Same goes for the bible! Even CLERGY members have admitted to me there is no proof the bible is any more real than any other scripture or Jesus is any more real than any other god!

I've been to church and it's laughable at how FAKE it is! They could be talking about Horus, Mithras, Zeus or a zillion other gods! Jesus is NO different! There provide NO corroboration whatsoever to the claims they make in the bible!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Of course Paul's letters are evidence, as are the Gospels -- things don't lose their evidential value merely because they become part of religious scripture. They need to be looked at critically, of course, as one does with all other evidence.

There is ZERO proof outside the bible to support any of the claims they make!
I suppose that depends on what you count as "any of the claims they make" -- many details in the Bible are supported as historically accurate (at the same time, the Bible gets many things wrong). As an example, there are several pieces of extra-Biblical evidence regarding King Hezekiah and events in his reign,
Remember the bible simply makes the CLAIMS but provides NO support for those claims!
You expect a scripture to provide evidence to support its claims, but when it does you automatically deny the evidential value of any such statement because it is in a religious scripture. There's apparently no pleasing you.
Even CLERGY members have admitted to me there is no proof the bible is any more real than any other scripture or Jesus is any more real than any other god!
Really? The Bible is no more historically accurate than the Book of Mormon or the Bhagavad Gita? Forget clergy -- show me any person who thinks that and I'll show you someone who has no business opining on this topic.

Finally, you might want to work on your writing style. You wrote fifteen sentences. Eleven of them had at least one all-caps word. Thirteen ended in exclamation marks. (The other two ended in question marks, one of which was a double question mark.) You'd be more effective if you toned it down. (Unless you want to get across the idea that writing about Jesus gets you REALLY EXCITED!!!)


Dude, Paul is NOT evidence! Not even close! There isn't even a shred of evidence Paul existed! There is not a single historical character who even witnessed a Paul, Jesus, Moses, etc.! And you have been thoroughly brainwashed if you think there is a difference between one scripture and another!

You are mistaking PROMOTION & PROPAGANDA for evidence! I've even spoken to clergy and history professors about this. You realize 90% of scripture out there is from religions outside Christianity? Ive asked Christians about those other scriptures and they simply say "pfff..those are fake". Then I remind them the same way you dismiss those other scriptures the bible can be dismissed as well!

You also don't understand what evidentiary means. NONE of the major characters and events in the bible have proven to be true. The bible doesn't come with a footnote and bibliography page to corroborate the claims they make! You also realize that there is an entire school of thought that the bible is simply a book of parables and allegories that were NEVER meant to be taken literally?

You have clearly spent too much time getting brainwashed in church. You need to stay away and study some other scriptures and religions to get an objective perspective again. I've been to church & NOTHING they say can be proven as true!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


As far as what evidence is, I go by the legal definition for relevant evidence (

Evidence is relevant if:

(a) it has any tendency to make a fact more or less probable than it would be without the evidence; and

(b) the fact is of consequence in determining the action.
That's a broad definition. Evidence can be strong or weak, and just because there is evidence for something doesn't mean that it is proved. The Bible is certainly evidence under this standard, although how strong of evidence it is is another matter completely.

There. I do have a good grasp of what evidence is, and I've provided a neutral definition of the term. Now it's your turn -- what definition of evidence are you working with that causes you to shriek things such as, "Paul is NOT evidence! Not even close!"?

And you have been thoroughly brainwashed if you think there is a difference between one scripture and another!

You are mistaking PROMOTION & PROPAGANDA for evidence! I've even spoken to clergy and history professors about this. You realize 90% of scripture out there is from religions outside Christianity? Ive asked Christians about those other scriptures and they simply say "pfff..those are fake". Then I remind them the same way you dismiss those other scriptures the bible can be dismissed as well!
Let's put your statements to the test using the Book of Mormon, which I mentioned in my last reply. I view the Book of Mormon as a forgery, made up by Joseph Smith out of whole cloth, at least because the Book of Mormon describes an ancient American culture of Israelite people, the Nephites, who built great cities and were eventually wiped out in the fourth century A.D. If there had been such a civilization there would almost certainly be archeological evidence for it, but no evidence accepted by non-LDS archeologists has been found.

Okay, now explain to me how the Bible can be dismissed on the same grounds that I dismissed the Book of Mormon. There is archeological evidence, accepted by non-Christian and non-Jewish archeologists, supporting such things as the city of Jerusalem and particular structures such as the temples that were there.

NONE of the major characters and events in the bible have proven to be true.
I mentioned King Hezekiah my last reply. There is archeological evidence that King David existed, of the exile of Jews to Babylon, and of the policy that led to their return under Cyrus, to give just a few more examples.

The bible doesn't come with a footnote and bibliography page to corroborate the claims they make!
Considering that footnotes and bibliography pages had not been invented yet, that's hardly a surprise.

You also realize that there is an entire school of thought that the bible is simply a book of parables and allegories that were NEVER meant to be taken literally?
I am well aware that there is a school of thought that maintains that such things as the story of Adam and Eve, and even many other parts of Genesis, are simply parables and allegories. That's not remarkable. (What is remarkable is that there are people who think that such stories should be taken literally.) Is there a school of thought that maintains that such things in the Bible as the existence of the city of Jerusalem and of an ancient Israelite kingdom are not to be taken literally? If so that is a very misguided school of thought.

You have clearly spent too much time getting brainwashed in church. You need to stay away and study some other scriptures and religions to get an objective perspective again.
The idea that I have been brainwashed by spending too much time in church would be laughable to anyone who knows me. But go ahead hot shot, feel free to suggest some religious scripture that you have read and you think I have not, that you think I would benefit from studying. Got anything?


Frog, you keep making the same mistake of thinking your "evidence" is exclusive to Christianity when it's NOT! There is ZERO archaeological evidence to support any character or event in the bible! Read below to get educated from archaeologists themselves who show there is NO proof to support ANY of the 4 major bible stories thereby destroying the very foundation of Christianity itself! The religion is nothing but a FRAUD and deep down you KNOW it!

 Archaeology disproves the Bible: The Bible Unearthed

If all this blather by religious fanatics like Bill O'Reilly regarding the supposed war Atheists are waging on Christmas got me thinking: Would these fundamentalist folks be so right-wing if they were aware of the relatively recent conclusions regarding the book they take so literally?  

A book offering a comprehensive overview of this subject and a mother lode of peer-reviewed research is still*The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts*by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman.  

New findings point to completely different histories of Israel and Egypt than those in the Bible and thought to be true, including by Finkelstein himself:  

• Archaeological evidence contradicts all four stories that make up the foundations of the Bible; and  

• the Bible was written, re-written, edited and redacted for the purposes of propaganda. 

Early archaeologists in that part of the world were typically trained as clerics or theologians, the authors note, and so forced artifacts they found to match with Bible stories. That all changed once new excavations, chemical analysis of soil samples and refinements in the carbon-dating technique to determine age, revolutionized the study of these two of the most heavily excavated areas of the planet.  

Because many references to places and events in this period show contemporary details were integrated into stories biblical authors maintained happened hundreds or thousands of years before, the modern assessment that the foundations were laid during the late 8th and early 7th centuries BCE appears to be an open-and-shut-case.  

Why Was the Bible Created?  

To provide motivation and moral justification for the territorial aspirations of a little kingdom called Judah.  

Contrary to biblical history, Judah was a backward little region while its envied and despised neighbor to the north, Israel, was far more advantaged economically. Both, however, were usually under domination by one foreign power or another. *  

Finally, in the 8th century BCE, came Israel’s destruction and later the Assyrian retreat. That’s when King Josiah went to work.  

An ambitious plan to take advantage of the political vacuum required powerful propaganda, the authors note, and so one of the religions practiced in the area was chosen. That of the Israeli cult fit the bill.  

Archaeologists say at the same time the literacy rate rose, prompting “an unlikely coalition of Judahite court officials, scribes, priests, peasants and prophets” to create a new movement. By weaving in ancient heroic tales, legends and folklore, along with further reworking, elaboration and censoring, stories of the Old Testament were to “become a coherent and persuasive prophecy for the people of Israel.”  


The Patriarchs  

The first story molded with these goals in minds is that of the patriarchs in Genesis – starting with God’s favored family, that of Abraham, whose descendants would include Israel and Judah.  

Besides the fact the genealogies of the patriarchs, some of whom were said to have lived hundreds of years, are contradicted in various passages, the “combination of camels, Arabian goods and Philistines and place names, which were prevalent at the time of writing but nonexistent during the time period depicted in the Bible,” showed the story to be written centuries later.  

This story was crafted to provide Josiah’s subjects with a common ethnic and religious history, and ultimately fulfill the promises given to the patriarchs by God of a unified people living securely in their land.  

The belief that God had their backs would bring on Judah’s success.  

The Exodus  

The second foundational tale is that of the Exodus, where God chose Moses to liberate 600,000 men from enslavement in Egypt, and they proceeded to wander around the desert for 40 years.  

However, there was no record of any Israelites being in Egypt at that time, and hundreds of thousands of people trekking the desert would likely not have been allowed by Egypt, which tightly controlled the area. There are records of small bands passing through, yet none indicating a mass movement of people. There is also no evidence such a group camped for extended periods – including in the places mentioned in the Bible.  

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Is this really the best you can do? I'm sure many would be aghast that little ol' Froggy has been somehow been cast as the fidei defensor in this exchange, but they needn't worry as long as I have you as an opponent.

Frog, you keep making the same mistake of thinking your "evidence" is exclusive to Christianity when it's NOT!
I'm not even sure what you're trying to say, but if you think that I've taken the position that archaeology only supports the Bible and Christianity, then you're mistaken. Note a couple of messages ago, when I explicitly stated that "the Bible gets many things wrong."

There is ZERO archaeological evidence to support any character or event in the bible!
See previously when I directed you to fact that there is archeological evidence for King Hezekiah and King David, as well as for the exile of Jews to Babylon, and their return under Cyrus. All of these things are in the Bible, and you've not disputed that there is extra-Biblical evidence for them. I could look up many, many more examples. But wait, I don't have to look them up...
Read below to get educated from archaeologists themselves who show there is NO proof to support ANY of the 4 major bible stories thereby destroying the very foundation of Christianity itself!
Why look them up when you've provided me with views from archaeologists that you vouch for? From your own link:
Finally, in the 8th century BCE, came Israel’s destruction and later the Assyrian retreat. That’s when King Josiah went to work.
Do you want to know where else you can read about Israel's destruction at the hands of the Assyrians and the later retreat of the Assyrians, and about King Josiah of Judah? Yup, that's right, it's in the Bible. What was that again about there being "ZERO archaeological evidence to support any character or event in the bible"?

And none of the "major bible stories" cited in the article (the patriarchs, the exodus, the conquest of Canaan, and the united kingdom of Judah and Israel) provide the "very foundation of Christianity itself," as you so boldly assert. Christianity does not rest on the historical accuracy of any of those parts of the Bible.

With a nod to Sun Tzu, let me offer you a way out. Go ahead and admit that some parts of the Bible are supported by archeological evidence, and that there is indeed some evidence for the existence of New Testament figures like Jesus and Paul (although you find the evidence weak and unconvincing), and I'll just agree to disagree. Otherwise, if you actually want to continue this one-sided exchange, please up your game a notch or two, just to make it interesting.


Frog, you LOSE again! Those Kings and Jews you mentioned are NOT major characters in the bible. You also fail because if you bothered to read non-Christian scriptures you would see they mention historical characters and events too! Even the Illiad and Odessy do!

I am 100% right in that there is ZERO corroborating evidence that major bible characters Jesus, Moses, Noah, Paul, Mark, etc. even existed! You show more ignorance because if you bothered to read other scriptures you'll see other gods had disciples too. So I guess you believe them just because THEY SAY SO? 

Your entire PATHETIC argument is "the bible says so". LMAO! You are nothing but a naive FOOL to fall for it hook, line, and sinker! You realize ANYONE can write a FICTIONAL story and name the characters in it Jesus, Mark, Paul, Moses, Mary, etc.? I guess you believe the HUNDREDS of characters in other scriptures because they simply say so?

You FAIL big time! Did you know Christian influence is dying off in the west and becomes smaller every year? Did you know THOUSANDS of churches close every year in America alone? Deep down more people every day know it's nothing but a fairy tale and if you actually looked it at it with an unbiased and objective mind you would see that too!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Megafauna, before moving goalposts:

There is ZERO archaeological evidence to support any character or event in the bible!
Megafauna, after movement of goalposts:
there is ZERO corroborating evidence that major bible characters Jesus, Moses, Noah, Paul, Mark, etc. even existed
In addition, you are way off base in saying that the Jews aren't major characters of the Bible. They are what the Old Testament is all about.

Your entire PATHETIC argument is "the bible says so".
Nope. I've repeatedly referred to the existence of archaeological evidence, which you have not disputed.

You realize ANYONE can write a FICTIONAL story and name the characters in it Jesus, Mark, Paul, Moses, Mary, etc.?
Absolutely, but that does nothing to advance your case.

I guess you believe the HUNDREDS of characters in other scriptures because they simply say so?
Strawman, and contradicted by my earlier posts, where I stated that I view the Book of Mormon as fictional.

You FAIL big time! Did you know Christian influence is dying off in the west and becomes smaller every year? Did you know THOUSANDS of churches close every year in America alone? Deep down more people every day know it's nothing but a fairy tale and if you actually looked it at it with an unbiased and objective mind you would see that too!
Even if what you say is true, it does not mean that people who stop going to church do so because they think that Jesus didn't exist -- it's entirely possible to believe that Jesus existed without believing that he was a prophet or deity (or even that there is any deity at all). And even if most people did think that Jesus didn't exist, it would be an argumentum ad populum to contend that it proves your case.


1 Corinthians 1:18 says it all.


Wow mega, you sure have a vendetta against the guy.
