0 stars out of 5. Here's why:
What would happen if people start dissapearing all of the sudden because it's the end of the world and those who are still on Earth are doomed? I bet 1 million dollars that at least 1 person would scream "It's the end of the world!" and/or "We're doomed!" That's called the Rapture. I really hope that day never comes... because I don't have 1 million dollars.
It would be very easy to dismiss LEFT BEHIND: THE MOVIE as religious propaganda. However, movies based on Bible stories can be entertaining, even for non-believers. The concept of the Rapture sounds exciting! Unfortunately, director Vic Sarin doesn't seem to understand the concept of "Urgency." Just because the characters can't do anything to stop the Rapture doesn't mean the movie has to feel like they're sitting around waiting to die (even if that's not what's happening on screen). Yes, it's that boring. The movie had a theatrical release, but that was after being released on DVD. Therefore, I won't say bad things about the production quality, but I will say bad things about the religious messages. What? Did the 1st sentence make you think I was just going to ignore them? How could I? They weren't exactly subtle.
You can read the full review at http://vits-ingthemovies.blogspot.com/2015/06/left-behind-franchise.html or watch the review as a video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKNt-vDPszI. By the way, I reviewed the entire franchise.
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