How can you believe in Revelations but NOT Global Warming?
Quite a few of the plagues in the Book of Revelations are very much environmental catastrophes in nature. There is a even a verse that says, “the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit”. In fact one verse even says “touch not the OIL or the wine” which may in some way be referring to petroleum and the impact it is already having upon the environment, Global Warming, peace and perhaps soon as a catalyst to WWIII. There is also another verse that says that God would apparently be forced to “destroy those who destroy the earth”. If you have been watching the news you know that the price of food has risen globally because of the rising oil prices and people are actually fighting over dwindling food supplies in Haiti.
I can see some very pragmatic reasons for the world’s troubles, which seem a lot more frightening than the premise of this movie. The Book of Revelations seems to speak quite loudly regarding Global Warming! So quite honesty I don’t understand why more Christians aren’t scared-to-death of Global Warming! It occurs to me that they would be more concerned about Global Warning if they believed they were going to be here while the weather goes from bad to worse.
Additionally my own biblical research (over many years) has compelled me to believe that only way to leave the earth and escape these seemingly inevitable problems is by dying rather than being lifted away before All Hell breaks loose on earth! In fact, the Bible itself says “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened”. That strongly suggests to me that the elect must still be here on earth while all these earth-shattering events are taking place.