the books...

I've read the Left Behind books 2 or 3 times, and they really are well-written. I enjoy them as works of fiction. I was a Christian the first couple of times I read them, but within the past 3 years, I've become agnostic. Reading the books as an agnostic, I see now how manipulative and legalistic they are. These books, along with the Harry Potter books should be made into a TV series; each book a season, each chapter an episode. I'd enjoy that. As for the movies, I was somewhat disappointed at the production quality and the poorly executed attempt to make things look post-apocalyptic, i.e. lots of paper on the ground, things laying on their side, etc. But, I would still recommend the books to anyone.

"Don't let a suitcase full of cheese be your big fork and spoon." ~~~Marie Barone.


No one who is truly a Christian (a believer in Jesus Christ as the Son of God) decides one day that they don't believe in Jesus, because it just means that they were never actually Christian to begin with.

Just because your parents are Christian does not make you a Christian.
Just because you go to church or youth/college church events does not make you a Christian.
When someone says they are a Christian, no one actually knows for sure except for God.

It is between the individual and God, one hundred percent.
