"The Bible teaches none of that"??? Really? Interesting, you claim to have been saved for many years, but only ten years ago decided to read the Bible cover to cover, and suddenly you are the Biblical expert on topics believed by those of us who have read the Bible cover to cover multiple times for decades. Are you more knowledgable than my pastor who has been studying with faith the Word for almost forty years, or others for longer, who have studied to know "what saith the Lord", not to read into it simply what they have been taught? Every point you have made regarding the rapture and now, as I see, claims about eternal fire, the age of the earth, etc., can be clearly refuted by these men and women of faith who have dedicated themselves their entire lives to dig deep into what God teaches us. The Word is clear on eternal torment. Most Bible students understand Jesus used the well-known Gehenna, a place of burning of refuge and dead bodies, as a metaphor for the eternal. Jesus spoke of the rich man and Lazarus as an account, not a parable, indicating conscious torment. I am not going into this in detail, nor will I carry on a big debate, ultimately which ends up fruitless. I just admonish you to consider the arrogant tone you exhibit in the statement you made above and others I have read by you about the knowledge you possess. I am humble enough, I guess, to say I read with interest some of your points regarding the rapture and they caused me to consider my beliefs, as others with similar views have in the past. It doesn't change my mind, as I actually once believed as you did, even ridiculing the pre-trib rapture belief, till the Lord brought me to a place of humility to look more fully into what the Word taught on the subject, to rightly divide the Word of Truth and, interestingly, came to opposite conclusions of yours. Ultimately, we both shall see one day. I will say one thing that struck me odd. In one of your posts about the rapture, you suggested those who hold to my beliefs will be the ones who believe the lie through the strong delusion the Lord provides for those who don't believe. However, I realize my belief in the rapture may be wrong, and, no matter whether I am caught up and removed before the Tribulation or find myself in the midst, I know clearly what the Scriptures teach about that period and certainly will not be deluded to follow the man of sin, but will clearly see my belief was wrong and will turn to the Lord for the strength to endure to the end, for it is in Him alone I can do all things. Thos who expect to be raptured and are not will know it and then will see the tribulation proceeding just as the Bible spells out, including the rise of the anti-Christ. We will know we were not taken, he is NOT Jesus, and Jesus has not yet returned. There will be no delusion, just persecution and likely death. Peace.