MovieChat Forums > Big Wolf on Campus (1999) Discussion > Supernatural Shows; A 90s Thing?

Supernatural Shows; A 90s Thing?

Big Wolf on Campus.

Those are just a few shows from the 1990s that featured a very gothic/supernatural theme. Now, looking at the popular television series (plural: serieses? seri? ;D) of 2008, has the public grown tired of supernatural shows?

Sounds like a strange question, but I always remembered watching more shows about magic, or werewolves when I was a kid. Now I see there's a huge resurfacing of the vampire trend (with Twilight in the lead), but I'm still wondering: are supernatural shows more of a 1990s thing?


nah they have supernatural and moonlight and a few good supernatural shows after the 90s.

Dr. Cox: Oh my god! I care so little I almost passed out!


One of my favorite '90s show was So Weird. Also about the supernatural. I don't think supernatural shows are just a '90s thing. There are still supernatural shows out there. My favorite being Supernatural.


Well, I'd say supernatural shows became big and popular in the mid/late 90s and just got more and more mainstream far into the 00's.

Angel (1999)
Sabrina, The Teenage Witch (1996)
Big Wolf on Campus (1999)
So Weird (1998)
Charmed (1998)
Buffy (1997)
and of course, The X-Files (1992)

transitioning into the 00's with

Ghost Whisperer
The 4400
Battlestar Galatica
Bionic Woman

"Just sending up a prayer of thanks."

Heath I swear...


"Well, I'd say supernatural shows became big and popular in the mid/late 90s and just got more and more mainstream far into the 00's."

I agree.


It's not just a 90s thing. It was just a really good time for "supernatural" shows. I ADORE shows like those. As you can probably tell by my signature, my favorite show of all time is The X-Files. I also adore Angel, Buffy, So Weird, Lost, and lots more. All great shows.

"Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity." - The X-Files.


No one's going to mention Reaper? );


I will!

Pushing Daisy's
Physc (I'm not sure of the spelling )
Blood ties
True Blood

Just to mention some

And can I just say? The vampire thing is getting so overdone it's just sad now.

I think they should remake Werewolf, the show from the 80's cause I'm seriously sick of all these vampire programmes, especially seeing as none of them are any good

Mental breakdown in 3, 2, 1


Sadly werewolves are worse because they aren't even real werewolves just dogs.


Well the guy in Psyc is lying :P and Medium and Ghost Whisper


So Weird
there were a lot. I dont think its just a 90s thing or maybe it was and it just stayed popular because Charmed and Buffy lasted a long time and Buffy got a spin off. I think Supernatural started the year right after Charmed ended..
