Muffy the Vesper Slayer

Biggest excitement and biggest disappointment all in one episode.

Season 1's 'Muffy the Werewolf Slayer' introduces Vesper, by far a few dimensions over on a billion light years away under the unseen layers of fabric and time well over any bit of Stacey or Lori, to me at least.

Not only a character that challenges the depths of mankind's very soul, but watching how our little Dingler dude Merton interacts with her makes for television not yet seen since the moonlanding..... or when Fonzie made any appearances on happy days. The interaction between the two and her herself as a character brought me to a realm well past Heaven, an unspoken, unseen bliss not of any imaginable realm.

Then she took her wig off.

Then I cried.

Then she bashed the character, stating that wasn't her.

I didn't sleep for weeks.

Merton then gets excited stating she is "hot", as if she hasn't been beautiful already, making me question his character, making me question life, making me wonder if this is all one big illusion.

When they kissed, I died a little inside that day and have yet to recover.

The man I once knew died that day. Oh I use to walk the streets with a smile. I use to wave to passing children with a beat in my step. Now those days are long gone.

Muffy the Vesper Slayer.
