MovieChat Forums > Ta paidiá tou Diavólou Discussion > This film is Nazi Propaganda...

This film is Nazi Propaganda...

The couple represent the Nazi party and the "cleansing of the island" represents the Jewish race and anybody else who wasn't deemed appropriate for living in ye olde Germany in the 1940s.

...That's not true, but it could be, no?

"Pretty good. Pret-tay, pret-tay, pret-tay good."
Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm


just like the christians.

You don't know life till you've f ucked death in the gall bladder.




I just thought it was typical of british people abroad on holiday in europe.


British people fill in a nice little niche of whatever you need them to be! Posh and effeminate "that how i thought British people were like" Crazy, drunken violent & aggressive "Well that's how I thought British people behaved" (despite the contradiction) Bumbling, fumbling, stuttering "Yep that's the Brits" Swearing, Angry, Arrogant "Yep a typical Brit (Again despite the contradiction) It kind of makes these labels meaningless, there constantly contradicting the one before! The only labels that aren't constantly banded about are positive ones.
It's not like we purposely behave that way on holiday, it's just we behave that way when where at home so it kind of follows us, someone mouthing in a Spanish pub is no different than mouthing back home .... There gonna get a slap!
OR alternatively "Uh UH yes well .... UH if uh someone um ................ yes if someone acts the proverbial fool then one uh ..... has to .... well they'll need uh uh .... a jolly good ticking off .......... uh ............uh!


I seriously doubt there were any underlying themes in this exploitive piece of trash. Basically just a mid-70's Euro-trash video nasty.



The director made tons of horrible 80's comedies that had some non-Aryans, this movie was just an excuse to make money, no political agenda.



I knew it, gays are bad people.

I hate everyone and everything.


So what did the little raped goat represent? Your momma?


I agree with the standpoint that this is, by the directors admission, a cash-in and unlikely to have any political subtext. However, in response to the OP's claim that this is Nazi propaganda: I'm rewatching the film right now (it's a guilty pleasure) and I've just noticed that near the end when we hear basically all of the 'Destination' song, which was also written by the director it contains the lyric, 'white Jesus said look, I'm flying.'

Perhaps this is a right-wing sentiment. Or perhaps not.

Interesting stuff though. I know the director of this film didn't think too hard about anything other than showing perversion but despite that the film, in my opinion, ended up very nuanced and quite haunting.
