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They Kill a Gay Couple about to be Married

This movie had me until that scene. I LOVED the ending, though. It'd be a nice science fair project. LOL

I love B-movies, and I know I should be torn- it's anti-gay on one hand, but on the other hand it's supposed to be offensive and schlocky. (So I assume films like "Birth of a Nation" and any film by Leni Riesenthal should be acceptable also.)

I can't do it, though. This movie made me physically ill, and the treatment of gays is beyond disgusting. Eli Roth recently tweeted that he liked the movie "Cruising". This is the film protested by gays in the 1970's. It's also the film that inspired at least one gay bashing attack (on the man who later wrote the screenplay to "Philadelphia".)

Gays had it rough in 1970s movies. ("Pink Angels", "The Choirboys", "Midnight Cowboy", etc.) My problem is when the attacks on gays are never avenged or are treated as jokes in the movie.


Well, it's not like the killers were being portrayed as the good guys. I mean, It's pretty clear that every murder they committed was wrong. No more or less for the gay dudes. Plus, the most evil of the two was punished severely. Island Of Death isn't anti-gay anymore than it's anti-goat, or anti-old whore. Atleast the brides didn't get raped or pissed on. So, atleast there's that.



Yes it's wrong but on the other hand you do know this movie wasn't meant to be a moral piece. All the people (and goat) who die in this movie aren't avenged. It's exploitation simple as that and the (gorgeous) blonde at the end hooks up with the illiterate sheepherder instead of facing punishment.
Don't put meaning behind this movie. It's schlocky and honestly the fact that gays die isn't any worse than the straight people who die. Just saying. We're all equal.
Fun (and admittedly beautifully shot and scored) exploitation movie. Noting more.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


People like the OP make me chuckle. Murdering the Frenchman, the old lady, lynching a black copper and the rape and murder of a goat is all fine but showing a couple of gay men getting killed is crossing the line? 😂


I think the film wasn't anti-gay because every other thing in the book Christopher targeted. He didn't like anything - whether be gay, lesbian, straight (with there own vices), racist - "Foster the funny "beep". Christopher always singled out others without looking at what disgusting things he did himself -namely murder, bestiality, rape. Overall, I did like this film. It's lovely scenic cinematography would probably be it's highlight. But you must be prepared of what you are getting into before you see it- especially an uncut version.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."
