I like the movie, but...
This is a good action movie with just enough serious tone to be cool and just enough schlock to be fun. It's got some great one-liners, cool weapons, and neat fight scenes. However, some things about the movie irked me...
Character goals don't seem to make sense. Ron Perlman and Co. are hunting reapers for the vampires; that's why they buddy up with Blade. But, they're really trying to advance the reaper strain to become better vampires, but they want to kill all of the present batch of reapers. This gets overly confusing. More to the point, they start turning on Blade and Whistler *during* the big reaper hunt, which winds up killing or nearly killing additional Bloodpack members. Why do that during the sewer fight? Why not after?
Chud betrays Blade, and a lot of that actually makes sense. But... when Blade tries to pop Perlman's head off with the silver bomb, Chud also reveals that it was never really going to work. Perlman then removes the headpiece and tosses it to Chud only for Blade to reveal his own sneakiness: he knew about the double-cross all along AND the bomb DOES work! Haha! Now Chud blows up! So... he waited to do that until the lesser target was holding the bomb? Why not just pop Perlman? Oh, and how did he and Whistler have *nothing* prepared for the double-cross when they knew it was coming and knew about it long enough to re-wire the bomb?
Nobody noticed Lighthammer's gaping neck wound gushing blood. That's a bit of a red flag, isn't it? Nobody noticed this?
Blade needs blood after being captured. Whistler rescues him, but doesn't bother feeding the vampire thrawl (who was shot three seconds ago) to Blade?
Whistler knocks out Ron Perlman, crawls to the trap-door (why are there tunnels connecting the rooms?) grabs Blade's weapons, and slips away. What he doesn't do is take the silver sword and stab Perlman while he's too unconscious to stop Whistler from lifting a heavy grate and crawling away. Perfect time to stab him.
Vampire abilities are also a little inconsistent. Sometimes, they seem capable of leaping multiple stories (flying?) and other times they seem to forget about this ability when it would literally save their lives.
Anyway, sorry about ripping on Blade II. It's a lot of fun. These things just bug me, and I wanted to rant a bit.