A few things
As many times as I've watched this movie since it came out seven years ago, there are still a few things I've never been able to clear up.
Chief among those is Damaskinos. I realize they were kind of aping the popular Nosferatu stereotype of vampires, but good Lord. I imagine he's at least a thousand years old, but whereas other vampires look human at a great age, this guy looks like he stepped right out of the vampire movies of yore. As far as the comic and the movies (as much as the movies follow the comic, which is only loosely), the typical vampire myths are adhered to, including the preternatural speed, agility, strength, immortality, etc. So why is Damaskinos all hunched over and slow like he's not one of the most powerful vampires on earth? I mean, he's acting...uhm...like an old man. However it seems that in one of the movies in the trilogy, if I remember correctly, that it's mentioned that vampires are not immortal, but rather they age at a far decelerated rate. Okay. I can go with that, but it still doesn't explain why a probably millenia-old vampire who should be killing people with his brain waves is moving like my grandmother when she forgets her walker and can't kill something he created.
Also, I am sure I am not the only one who noticed that Damaskinos' blood was...blue. WTF? Rather than even try to give a quick explanation in the course of normal dialogue why his blood is blue, they just kind of smack you in the face with it when Nomak kills him.
Another thing I don't understand is why the vampire ruling body thought they could train a group of cocky vampires (Blade, I imagine, has been alive for longer than these guys have had fangs) for a couple of years and think that they could take on Blade. Any question of that is quickly dispelled when Blade lays down his peen on the table basically and makes Reinhard his b****. Yet there they are, walking around like they are king **** and God's gift to vampirism. And Reinhard, hoo boy, at least he's persistent! Each time he thinks he's got the drop on Blade, the Daywalker has Reinhard proven wrong. So why does he think he can take Blade at then end? Did he miss the pool of blood? Any vampire with at least a little bit of brain function would have noticed the pool of blood and said to himself, "Gee, I'd better not let Blade fall into that, else he'll get all raged up and kill me before I can lift a finger!" This blood pack had to have been the dumbest group of vampires assembled for one task.
Good movie, but those parts were perplexing to me. Maybe someone can clear up the blue blood thing and why Damaskinos is a really old vampire who moves like a really old man?