MovieChat Forums > Blade II (2002) Discussion > One of the best SEQUELS I've ever seen

One of the best SEQUELS I've ever seen

I watched (again) the first and the second parts of the Blade series. I think the second part has many similarites with the first part, but it mixes them to be different enough, let me clarify (spoilers ahead):

1. In the first part, Dragonetti suffers a painful death by being exposed to the sun light, one of the ugliest moments in the movie. In the second part, Nyssa also dies in the sun light, but here the death represents farewells, and the death is shown to be pain relieving, rather than the death of Dragonetti seen in the first part.

2. The first part shows Blade in anger, after he realizes who was the vampire that made him what he is. He yells the name of "Frost", during the fight of Frost's people. In the second part, Nomak yells "father" in anger, and fights against his father's security only to get his hands on his father.

3. Somehow the character "Rush" reminds me of "Quinn" from the first part. Although their roles are a bit different, they seem to represent same kind of threat to Blade, that is easily dealt with but has similarities in the humour side of these characters.

4. We have another rave scene in the sequel, but again it works very well here carrying the action forward.

5. Blade safes (kind of) Whistler in the both movies. In the first one, he shots him so that he doesn't have to suffer anymore after the beating. In the second one, he manages to return him back to human. This somehow co-works also with the scenario, on what happened when Whistler first met Blade and taught him how to survive.

What i'm trying to say, is that the makers of the sequel very well have knowledged what made the first part good, and used it in the second one making it a damn good movie. There surely are many other "connections" between these movies, those listed above are the ones I happen to remember. Add the hideous reaper vampires, The Bloodback, new weapons and lots of action and you have a winner here. Overall, to me, Blade II is a very fine example of how good sequels are made!


all three films are stand alone, IMHO. i love em all equally



Watched it for the first time last night. I was surprised - fun flick, the visuals were good. The quality of the second film far exceeds the original in terms of effects.

The movie suffers from the same issues as most action/comic book movies with poor characters and scripting. Some of the scenes with Snipes are cringe-worthy. But overall, I can overlook it.

6/10 for me.


I thought this was one of the better sequels I've seen in a movie series. It topped the first movie in terms of action, fight choreography, special effects and all round evil bad guy. Nomak was solid and a great adversary to Blade. I never really thought Frost was much of a threat in the first film.

Yeah, some of the dialogue is cheesy and the story wasn't as good, but I think Del Toro acknowledges that in the commentary (if I remember correctly). I thought the scenes with Snipes were fine, but I do think he had that rougher, darker edge to him in the first film.

When you have someone who cares for the original director's work and the theme/characters etc, like say James Cameron did for Alien, you can expect a good film. The third film was a complete joke, so let's not even go there....


Blade films are ridiculously underrated.

Mahershalalhashbaz Ali is the best name ever.



I don't know. Whistler is one of my biggest problems between the first two films. In the first one, we don't see him kill himself and just his hand going down. He used Blade's gun so it had silver bullets. Vampire or not, silver bullets should be the end of him.
Now, the second film wants us to believe that he "missed" or "faked it"? This movie also wants us to believe that he somehow got kidnapped while Blade was kicking Frost's ass? In the beginning of the mvoie I was like, "No, you're doing it wrong!" In the first film it was clearly said that there was a vampire-human war going on. Here, there is a vampire-Reaper war going on and we never see that vampire-human war. I haven't seen Trinity yet but I think, as a sequel, this should show a little bit of that.
Minor gripe but I liked Deacon Frost a lot more than Nomak. Just a more evil and overall more fun villain. Nomak was not seen that much and I really felt sorry for him, pretty good villain but the first film raised the bar so much in this aspect.
When I watch this again, I'll just rewrite the first movie as needed even though that would make plotholes the size of a Reaper's mouth. If this is bad, I czan't wait for Trinity! </sarcasm>

Blade : 87% (B+)
Blade II: 72% (C-)

u got rick roll'd
