A better ending...

In my opinion, a better ending would have been for Blade and the Bloodpack to take out the Reapers successfully, working as a team, in that room where the final fight took place.

And then... just as Blade predicted would happen earlier in the movie... they all turn on him.

After Nomak dies, there's a pause for a few moments. Then Blade looks around to the Bloodpack members, who all glance to each other, then level their eyes on him and start to fan out around him, readying their weapons.

Some typically-Blade badass dialogue is exchanged, Blade sports his snarling smile, and he takes them all out in the *real* climatic fight of the movie, cementing what a badass Blade is, and sending a message to the vampire community about their efforts to train a team specifically targeting the Daywalker. That's why they existed in the first place, and I felt a little disappointed that we didn't get to see the results of all that training.

Nyessa would be part of this, too. I think it sort of cheapened the idea of vampires as villains by making some of them 'good'. Throughout the movie, you could show Blade and the Bloodpack getting along, working as a team, even laughing at each others' wisecracks, etc, but in the end, we see that they are what the first movie showed us they are: bloodthirsty, evil killers that must be stopped, and that Blade is the man for the job.

It would also give us something we were robbed of in the film: Wesley Snipes versus Donnie Yen! YES!

Just my two cents.
