
Did anyone else feel that Whistler was the weakest character? I enjoyed the movie, but I got annoyed that Whistler was just a punching bag for the vampires.

For someone who's made a career of slaying vampires, he hardly killed a single one. And even when he had his moment to shine - after he escaped his cuffs, there was a blade in the room, the vampire's back was turned, he could have simply beheaded him and be done with him. But no, he had to save him for Blade.

I found all of the character's lines to be cheesy, and the actor's performances were absolutely wooden. (''No, don't die on my, kid'')

Wesley Snipes was great, and I enjoyed the movie, just didn't like Whistler.

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word Stirs up anger--Proverbs 15:1
