Del Toro / Gross trying to tell us something?
In both this and Hellboy 2 Gross's character kills his own father and indirectly causes the death of his sister. Confession? Or just slightly repetative storyline idea?
shareIn both this and Hellboy 2 Gross's character kills his own father and indirectly causes the death of his sister. Confession? Or just slightly repetative storyline idea?
shareThe reasons for killing their respective fathers and sisters are quite different, so I don't think so.
shareAlso killing Gross stopped an army from building in each one.
I wouldn't bet against your proposition.
Either way, Luke Goss was surprisingly the best thing about both films. Who would have thought he would be such a good actor? He plays evil very in a way that gives you sympathy for the character.
I said something similar on Gross' board a while ago. Gross, as the villain, was the most interesting part of both movies. For me, that's the problem with the third Blade film. The first two built a formula that worked with interesting, compelling villains (Both Frost and Nomak). The third one dropped the ball there.
shareFrost and Nomak were brilliant villains (amongst the best of the Marvel Comic Film Villains). They dropped the ball with Drake...I wish he stayed in his demon the entire movie, nothing against the actor who played Drake...........but in a way Parker Posey as Danica Talos made up for the lame Drake/Dracula. She was my favorite part of Blade : Trinity.
shareNot to negate your point in any way, but the actor's name is Luke GOSS, not Gross.
shareTotally off base. In Hellboy 2, SHE kills HIM. He wanted her to live, and her death was via suicide to kill HIM.
Also, the patricide was for entirely different motives (revenge vs. becoming king to save his people), and had entirely different emotions for the character.
Also I'm not sure if del Toro's dad is alive NOW, but he was certainly alive when del Toro was in his mid-thirties. I've certainly heard nothing about him being dead. Same with his siblings. Merely because something vaguely similar happens in two movies doesn't mean the director is a murderer.
Also, I'm pretty sure Goss couldn't get huge pivotal parts of the plots made on his say-so. And his sister was killed by a DRUNK DRIVER, so I don't think he'd appreciate your implication that he murdered her.
Occam's razor, dude.