Best moment?

Suplexing the guard while staring down Ron Perlman. I must have seen this movie at least ten times over the years ... great action, great FX and an awesome soundtrack.


The sex show booth opens and Wesley is standing there: "Oh you didn't think I forgot about you did you?" Hurls sword through vampire's brain.

None of that gay-ass twilight *beep*

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America


The scene involving the Reaper autopsy. When they open the cavity and discover that the reaper's heart is incased in a separate layer of nearly inpenetrable bone. The whole thing plays out like a mad surgeon's dream(in only the best way ever). Love this movie.


Blade putting Reinhardt in his place 3 times: with the explosive to his head - info red dot on his chest in the club - and slicing him in two.


I thought the final scene with Nyssa was rather poignant.
