MovieChat Forums > Blade II (2002) Discussion > Blade is TOO POWERFUL


Blade really seems to completely outclass every adversary that he comes up against. He can take on a room full of reapers and basically it's just a light workout for the guy. Even the Bloodpack (which have trained to kill him for years) doesn't seem to be much threat to him.

the only explanation that I've heard for how strong he is and why he can slice and dice vampires like a ninja on crack is that he's a daywalker, so he has "all of their strengths and none of their weaknesses". But all that really means is that he doesn't have a weakness to sunlight right? It doesn't explain why he totally dominates every adversary in mortal combat.

I'm not asking for "Blade Begins" but I think this series could benefit from a bit of explanation for his superior martial arts skills (like we had in Batman Begins). Do the comics explain the years of training or whatever it took to make him such a one man army?


I thought Blade looked the weakest in part 2 (even though it's my favorite). Nyssa held her own against him and out of the trilogy he took the most punishment from Nomak.

Reboot, restart or re-imagining is another word for remake


he took the most damage from daegon


Blade spent 20 years of his life hunting down vampires, the blood pack only trained for two years, so he's got plenty of time over them in experience. Also, let's face it, Blade's vampires are pretty pathetic. One silver bullet and they burst into flames, one silver blade to the nuts and they burst into flames,a little over-the-counter EDTA, and they explode. In Blade Trinity, he ripped out a vampire's throat and he burst into flames. At this point, he could probably hit these punks with a pillow and they'd burst into flames Ha-ha. So the problem isn't that Blade is too powerful the problem is his enemies are too weak. Maybe if the vampires spent as much time training as they do partying, maybe they could have beaten Blade by now.


Your forgetting he's also trained. Also he is using weapons specifically designed for killing the evil fangy ones.



He's not just immune to sunlight either, he's immune to silver and garlic and anything else that could kill or hurt a vampire. And he spent years training since he was like thirteen I think it was when Whistler found him, seeing he's special he could be effective in the battle against vampires and he molded him into his perfect fighting and killing machine. So he spent many years honing his skills and his strengths. But Blade also has his weaknesses as well examples; His blood lust, he can get hurt, he can be killed. I wouldn't say he outclassed all his adversaries. Nomak gave him a pretty good beathing and in the end offed himself once Blade got the sword so deep into his heart. And then when he fought Drake (yes I liked Trinity) Drake gave Blade quite the beatdown and he was only defeated with the help of Abby whistler and when that fight was finished neither Blade nor Drake were standing.


Blade is like Chuck Norris. Nothing can beat him. He can never be defeated, not by anything. That's all there is to it.

"It looks a bit sweaty in there so you may need to apply baby powder" Zapp Brannigan


I think Trinity (yuck) explained it when Drake conceded that Blade IS the next step in vampire evolution. Simply put Blade is like Drake in that he is a super vampire. This acccounts for his daywalker trait as well. It also accounts for his superior abilities against all but other super vamps (frost, nomak, drake) who were either as strong or stronger than him.
There is also the training theory. I feel vampires have a base level of power but no real optimal level. This is why they get stronger as they get older. The more they push condition and train themselves the more they elevate in power. A vampire can be stuck being just twice as strong or fast as a human or they can condition theselves to lift cars and move in bullet time. Blade was young but clearly WAY mor conditioned and rained than any vamp. This in tandem with his super vamp daywalker genes accounts for hius superior powers.
Look h's one man against an entire race of monsters. He kinda needs to be superior to stand a chance.


It's because Blade is from the streets whereas the other vampires are all living either like degenerate trust fund kids or aristocracy. They might be in good shape and have some moves, but they don't have the creds Blade has.


Because he is so trained.

If you believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, put this as your signature


It's because Blade turned his training into an obsession. He's sort of like the Punisher in that regard.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


Well in the first Blade, he wasn't able to keep up with those two Asian guys in the vampire archives. To be fair he was ambushed, but it goes to show he's not totally invincible. And he also gets his ass kicked by the main antagonist at the end of every movie, and only 'just' pulls off a victory.

Also when he clears those rooms full of guards in blade 1 and 2 (the scenes near the end of the movie where he kills about 30), it's after he's drank blood, so maybe him drinking blood gives him more energy than he normally gets from his serum, or something like that.


I think it's in the training, and who he chooses to fight.

He's been fighting vampires all his life. Most vampires never have to fight someone around their own level, I'd say. They're usually preying on weak humans, which makes them rather decadent and 'soft'.

Basically, Blade is walking up to them and saying, 'hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size', the old expression said to a bully that usually picks on smaller kids.


Blade's training was not just from Whistler, who seems very military in his ways - as he may have a military background regarding weapons and hand to hand combat etc, but he did train in other arts of fighting.

I am sure there are other vast amount of vampire hunters with backgrounds in martial arts, military combat, hand to hand and weapons, etc. Also, combined with his superhuman vampire strength, speed, healing abilities and immunity, this makes him a very formidable adversary.



Yeah all that strength and he's also gay!!!! Which is gonna help a great deal while he's in prison!!! Oh Yeah!!!


blade was trained since he was like 12 to be a vampire hunter. by a vampire hunter specialist vampires rely on strength and speed not skill thats why he can out fight them
