Little Plothole

If blade made that bomb on reinherts head, with silver nitrate ( rigged to explode if anyone tampers with it ), they why did skud die by it, blade would have noticed if skud was a vampire, and skud just shown he was a faimilar?
"Don't Quote Me Boy , Cause I Ain't Said Sh!t"-BoyzInDaHood


Scud died bcuz it was still a bomb. Yes-he was a familiar and not a vampire, so the silver nitrate wouldn't affect him but the explosive still would. Silver nitrate when in an explosive device and airborne, can spread to other vampires in close proximity as well. Blade was smart and figured him out b4 then.

"Death by design------>"


Nitrate is an explosive to begin with. They have nitrate targets that explode when shot at. The bombing in Oklahoma was by ammonium nitrate.


And why didn't Blade trigger the skull-bomb when Reinhardt had it instead of pretending it was a dud? It would have been better for Blade if the bomb killed Reinhardt rather than Scud.

On the other hand, the way it happened was more entertaining.

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