MovieChat Forums > Blade II (2002) Discussion > Favorite Bloodpack Member

Favorite Bloodpack Member



Snowman, with Reinhardt pulling a close second.

Honorable mention for Priest.



it has to be reinhardt, ron perlmans vampire is pure popcorn villain!!!!

" my pop said just before he killed my mom.....if you want something done you gotta do it yourself!"

pure class.


snowman cause he never neaded to speak to get his point across or in someone.


Snowman, Lighthammer, then Priest.

Can the imaginary training of fifteen years be put to use?


One has to analyse one's favourite by their reaper-kill ratio, therefore snowman has to be the best as he kills a couple and then is killed by a mate, not his fault. Lighthammer has no chance, does it really take an intense amount of training to learn to heft a club? He, not only destroys a perfectly good kitchen, doesnt manage to kill one reaper, but manages to kill two other members of the blood-pack, admittedly his bird "lily" is not much better, her training permits her to put a pink feather boa on the end of her gun, blade would have been shaking in his boots, even scud could have killed her! Snowman no doubt about.


Actually I think Firebrand killed the most reapers, but then he got exploded with light in the vampire club.


Sorry I like Verlaine and I think that she deserves more respect (after all she only did what the script asked of her) She is one of my favourites along with Asad and the Priest (I am sorry that he was written out so early in the piece) Ron Perlman well he seems to play the same arrogant so and so in everything he does except for that stellar role in Name of the Rose. Not in the bloodpack but I think Nomak deserves an honourary mention for his superb performance and brings back the genre and style of a vampire to be feared and not just a groovy well dressed and stylish monied man or woman about town. The Nosferatu of old. A vampire to chill your very soul.


I like Verlaine too. She was loyal and loving, a sensible team member who didn't cause problems.

It wasn't her fault that Lighthammer turned out to be worthless.

Her relationship with him should have been strong enough for him to report his problem, thus saving her and my other favorite member of the team.


REINHARDT for me..the most badass bloodpack he is ruthless skinhead looking guy..hey he doesnt even get off his sunglasses in the whole film!!!! even blade gets off his sunglasses :P so REINHARDT..CAN YOU BLUSH???


Lighthammer and Verlaine



come on its got to be Asad, cat from red dwarf in a blade film, its class


Too bloody rite! Asad rules because Cat from red dwarf rules and he's the main man!!!!!


Ron Perlman.


Ooo yes! My favourite is most definitely Asad, and not only because I'm biased because I love the Cat! ;P



Empires are forged by war.

I became the man I was huntin. I became Sawyer.


Snowman or Chupa



Snowman was easily the coolest, didn't rely on guns ever, didn't speak a word. Was the only one (besides Blade) to hold his own, on his own, and even win his fight with a reaper during the mission to the House of Pain. Followed orders with no problems.

Blade 3 couldv'e been so much better for me if Snowman, 2nd favorite Priest, and maybe a couple of others survived Blade 2, and join him to form their own little vampire team.


Reinhardt: An entertaining bad guy. Plus he did the best job of holding his own against the Reapers. If it wasnt for Blade, Nyssa would have been through.

Snowman: That dude was all business. He was underused for sure but his scenes still stand out.


Lighthammer- hes the guy with the tattoo on face, right? yeah him coz hes hot..
then Reinhardt (Ronny baby!!!)
And then the ginger man :D
And then the one with the Katana

Wow i dont know any of there names hehe


Nyssa, hands down. I would have enjoyed being bitten by her.


snowman - its a shame he only has one fight sequence


Snowman. Damn you production bastards who had no idea how much potential you had on your hands.

I'm gonna get you, like a spaceboy. Whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!


Reinhardt, I love his death.


Its got be Lighthammer and Verlaine, closely followed by Asad =) I think its a shame that the romance between Lighthammer and Verlaine was never really shown, they were a good couple.


Please, lighthammer had a completely stupid weapon and then didn't tell his group of friends (who have worked and trained together for 2 years) that he was bitten. So Ive discounted him.
Atleast Reinhardt stuck to the plan and defended his friends, and ontop of that he was pretty badass.

If Little Red Riding Hood shows up with a bazooka an a bad attitude I expect you to chin the bitch


My most favorite was Chupa. He has most of the best lines even though he went out like a bitch...=(

Following a very VERY close second was Snowman. Did you see the biceps on that man? DAMN! Plus his scenes were damn cool. I just wish I could have seen him fighting off Lighthammer.

If you have the DVD you have to go into the second disc to see the delete scenes. OMG if you're a Snowman fan it's WORTH IT. There's this scene where he looks so adorable and confused. It made me lol.

You can fondle your phallic symbols all you want, your d**k isn't getting any bigger.


Chupa is my favourite too. He had the best lines out of the blood pack, and the attitude. Reinhardt because he was Blade's bitch lol. Then Snowman.. dudes with swords are COOL.


Priest could bite me anytime!



Reinhart, cause Perlman rules!

"It's the Stay-Puft Marshmellow Man!"-Ghostbusters.


Snowman was easily the best. He completely battered that one reaper reindhart also did well for himself but then again whistler beat him up one on one. Snowman should have survived longer I was sorely disapointed that he didn't his fight scene was brilliant they should have used him a lot more. Everyone knows donnie yen is one of the kings of fight scenes.


Snowman, it really was a shame that he died so quick. I would have really wished if he had more scenes. Lot of the others were cool because of their badass attitudes but my favorite was Priest even though he was weak and got pwned by a Reaper.

"Look at them, half of these bastards are not even pure breeds. Why dont we just *beep* kill everyone, jus to be sure?"

Awesome line


Well the Bloodpack really wasn't of a threat.

What exactly did Verlaine do apart from suck and die?

I liked Asad personally, not that he did much either.

