My opinion is that Twist was a character that seemed like a good idea when they came up with her, but didn't really add much to the series overall. In my mind, she doesn't really have any memorable lines or scenes, and her only interesting bit was her torrid relationship with Brian.
I recognize I may be alone in this opinion, so I'm willing to hear yours.
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!
In the special features of the box set it says she's Jessica's best friend anyway. Maybe that was it. Then again, if she wasn't in it there'd be quite a few classic jokes missing.
Twist: I want you to see me as a whole. Brian: I do... Twist: A whole, Brian, with a 'w'... surely a line like that alone entirely justifies her existence in the series??? :)
When I watched Season 2, I got the impression the actress had some kind of schedule troubles or something, because she almost doesn't appear at all. Was my theory accurate?
Don't all women have at least one bitchy fashion victim girl friend just like Twist? Her and brian were so mismatched that it did make for some amusing scenes. Then again all scenes involving Brian were hilarious.
She seemed almost evil in the first few episodes but by the end her character had been toned down a lot and made much more sympathetic. A relative weakness in the series though, I agree.
Replying to an old post, yes, but I finally got around to watching this show (two quick nights with Netflix!), and remarkably I was wondering the same exact thing.
When she was introduced, she clearly was the anti-thesis to Tim's Mike, whereas Mike built Tim up, Twist put Daisy down. Remember her slyly telling Daisy not to feel like a fat, miserable failure (emphasis on fat)... and I thought that was her character: shallow, condescending bitch who for some reason Daisy pals around with even though it's an emotionally abusive relationship.
And then they totally abandoned that angle. She went from mean and shallow to just vapid and shallow, had some laughs with her and Brian much to Marsha's jealousy and then in the second series pretty much disappeared altogether.
Aside from the lack of payoff in the "Daisy obviously fancies Tim" department, it's the only disappointment the show gave me.
I think Twist was often quite funny, she was the least used main character but at least it never seemed like she in a scene for no reason. She didn't get much of a sendoff at the end (she basically buggers off to another city) but she never meant to be a very likable character. I liked the way she was a parody of an irritating, stuck-up, squeaky voiced Sloane Ranger (or whatever term for posh Bridget Jones Diary-esque London women)
She exists to get Daisy out of the house. Nick and Daisy are both homebodies - left to their own they would do little more than write, draw, watch movies and play video games. Most episodes have one of the other characters inviting them out, so Twist fills that motivation for Daisy the same as Mike does for Nick.
I didn't like Twist, but I don't think we were really supposed to. I loved how she was completely mis-matched for Daisy. Like it just adds another element of absurdity to the show that this person is supposed to be her "best friend," but you can't quite figure out how or why. And Daisy always acts so happy to hear from her and doesn't really get annoyed with her. It's just such an odd relationship!
Most everyone has that friend that they just can't seem to ditch that they rely on for convenience only. But in real life you'd get pissed off at them constantly.
While Twist was involved with Brian, her relationship to Daisy was analogous to Mike in relationship to Tim. Mike is manly man soldier poser and Twist is girlie girl fashion poser, they represent the extremes of sexual identity that Tim and Daisy fail to live up to. Brian compliments Marsha in their terms of introverted and extroverted sexuality. The notion that Brian and Mike were both aspects of Tim should be complimented with Twist and Marsha being aspects of Daisy. I did like Twist, she did add something.
A brainless tool spawned from her society who's only purpose is to add volume to a group yet add no substance.
Effectively, just thrown in for the sake of another characters to slightly add to more developed plotlines yet if removed- nothing is really lost from the show.
I liked the character because she was different from Daisy just as Mike was from Tim. You couldn't understand why they'd hang out together but then again the fact that they did was part of the fun.
Missed her in the second season. The first season worked much better imo because of the chemistry in the group dynamic.