How is your remake of Law & Order? It sounds more interesting than the US one because of the cast, Peter Davison and Freema Aygerman from Doctor Who. I really hate Law & Order though. Your remake of Golden Girls and The Jeffersons were pretty abysmal.
I grew up on remakes: All in the Family, Three's Company, Too Close For Comfort and Sanford & Son and loved them all. I have since seen the originals and love them too. They feel different. Your shows creators generally market their scripts over here, they pursue it and make a lot of money from it though in the case of Spaced, it was done behind their backs. A nasty trick indeed. Now this all being said, there was a wider divide between us in the 70s, that gap has shortened, while The Office has found a lot of success, I never liked the original. Life on Mars failed and was an insult, I think it damaged the brand which was getting a sort of cult following over here and great reviews, I am speaking solely of the UK original in regards to good reviews. US fans protested heavily the remake of Spaced, it is one of the reasons for the fail. I saw the clips, aside for a slight like of the US Daisy, I hated it and was most insulted by Brian's replacement as I am an artist and felt he captured a tortured artist perfectly and the US guy was a caricature. I do not think we need remakes anymore but I am never going to bash or put down those four great shows I mentioned above, they are classic TV and are good remakes. They used the early scripts as a launching pad for a situation and expanded upon it. The actors and writers took the characters elsewhere, particularly Three's Company which was much more farce, double entendre and slapstick than Man About the House which felt more like a predecessor to Friends than anything else and I did love Man About the House but I loved Robin's Nest much more which worked a lot better than Three's a Crowd. The series Coupling has been said to be loosely based upon or inspired by Friends, I did not care for this series but much moreso I truly hated the US coupling, mostly because of an actress that some might have considered "hot" that they forced on the long running sitcom Just Shoot Me, she kind of ruined it, made the ratings tank and the show was cancelled, it was corporate interference not feeling the vibe of the show that people liked and a cultural shift to these people who are not the greatest actors or actresses in the world, but are just thought to be prettier to the IIC (Idiots in Charge), the same thing happened to Sliders and is why I do not care much for the look of the US Being Human, the characters are too fake plastic pretty people while the UK one is full of interesting distinctive people that I find truly beautiful, the sort we do not get to see on TV anymore of here. What worked about those four classic series is the casting, they went for talent, skill and chemistry, Everything landed just right.
Oh about the closest thing to Spaced in the US is a TV series called Community, It is not based on Spaced but I think the comedy is the same and Spaced is mentioned by the creator in one of the episode commentaries so he respects it. This series has a remarkable cast with remarkable chemistry, Please give it a chance.