Song Question

What is the name of the song playing while Cage and Jolie are in the care hooking up?

Thank You


"Painted On My Heart" by The Cult, better known for their songs "Firewoman" and "She Sells Sanctuary". Cool band, even if their lead singer Ian Astbury sounds eerily like Billy Idol.


No unfortunately that is not the song. Maybe you are thinking of the wrong scene.

The scene I am refering to is when Cage and Jolie are stealing a car and another couple are hooking in their house. Cage/Jolie watch them until they go into another room and then they drive away.

Thank You


SKbrewer was right, Matt -- its Painted on My Heart by The Cult during the scene you question.


Yes, this is the song, but it is a different mix. Only a small part of the regular version is heard in the second half of the tune. Luckily, I managed to rip the movie edition from the 5.1 DD soundtrack and clean it up. If anyone would like a copy, write me at [email protected].

"Wherever You Go, There You Are." - Buckaroo Banzai
