MovieChat Forums > Down to You (2000) Discussion > i'm gonna go out on a limb - this movie ...

i'm gonna go out on a limb - this movie is actually rather good.

i tend to like artsy/independent films more than the jerry bruckheimer kinda stuff...but i think this movie has a formula that's rare and almost reminiscent of qualities that attract me towards independent film.

granted, i know that this movie has it's cheesiness. "you make me feel alive." in the art gallery, etc etc. there's also many asides that i feel are very well executed. it covers a topic that's rarely covered in romance. they live in dormrooms. there's EXCELLENT writing and scene diction...such as the scene where she runs to him and says simply "you're the cutest one in new york" or "a kiss like that belongs in a box so i can show my grandchildren one day." or even when he tells her to "get the f--k out." there's a pregnancy scare. there's completely meaningless infidelity...which, sadly, sometimes effing happens. they kiss with their eyes open and discuss how odd it is. it's just different. this movie could be seen as boring...but it's actually a rare honest expose (although somewhat skewed by picture perfect movie googly eyes) into quirks of collegiate romance.

i think this is the product of a writing/directing union that has unique and artistic intentions..that buckle to the, at filming time, trend of heartthrob teeny movie foam wrapping.

think what you want of me. i'm an amateur screenwriter/filmmaker. i'm just honest. there's good in this...i hope you find it.


p.s. the reality cooking show they discuss is similar to Food 911 on the Food Network..which is sorta odd as the movie proceded the television show.



this movie is really nice. not mind-shattering, earth-wobbling. but it has a quiet sweetness which is honest and true to life. people have pregnancy scares, they cheat, they love, they regret........ this happens at college.
it was touching and sentimental and julia stiles has gorgeous hair.
favourite part. where he drinks shampoo to see if he's immune to it........ awww love


i think it was supposed to be a unique indie film but was sold to a major studio cast with teen movie stars and marketed as a teen movie.


I think this is a good example of finding your soulmate/true love too early in life. They were perfect for each other, they just met to early. So all the stupid things you do in college when you are trying to figure yourself out, they subjected each other to and made for a rock relationship. I like that after they figure themselves out, they can finally appreciate and enjoy how perfect they are together.


i liked this movie too, but only because i'm a sucker for these stupid sappy romantic movies.

It's educational and violent. But mostly violent. YAY VIOLENCE!


i hear that.

Math my boy is nothing more than the lesbian sister of biology.


"Down to you" is such a movie... Yes, it's supposed to be a teen movie, but... Give me a break! Do you think you can compare "American pie" with "Down to you"? This movie is much more! By the end, I was with a smile in the face but at the same time I was a little bit sad. It's the kind of movie that makes you think a lot about you, your relationships... It's not a very deep movie but it really makes you think! I mean, there is a right time for true love? People too young are not prepared for a great love? Yeah, it's not a classic, it's not an Oscar movie, but... Damn it! It's not supposed to! It's a romantic comedy and it's one of the best... It's a cute movie and it gives something, it has something inside! It's not so bad as they say! "Down to you" it's simply adorable...

Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!


I agree, I saw this movie a year after it came out and just recently saw it again. Seeing it then in my early twenties and again in my late twenties, I got something different out of it.

This is a movie for somebody who has found that somebody to love as they loved each other.


I liked the movie. Its probably not a movie I will go and rent at the DVD shop or go out of my way to see in the near distant future but I still like the movie. It came on very late last night when I was about to sleep but somehow managed to keep me awake another 2 hours. It is a nice movie, it makes you think about your relationship and how it would be to live without the one you love.

I know that it is cliche they break up, realise they still love each other and get back together but I would have preffered if Prinze character was too hurt by Stile's cheating and never got back together, then when they did meet years later they are both equally heart broken. It would have been a more real outcome. Basically kicked her to the curb for cheating! However, the theme of the movie was nice and warm for the most of it so this was a likely outcome.

Watch the movie, judge for yourself and dont come here to flame your stupid opinions.


This movie is a subtle reminder of what it feels like to live. You meet someone, it’s bliss for awhile and then someone (or both of you) start thinking about the seriousness of the relationship. Could you actually be in something that is also very much a part of someone else’s life? In many ways I could see myself in both characters. You feel the anger Stiles has in the convenient store and the desperation Prinze has when he’s racing back to her dorm room after he realizes he doesn’t want to be at the movie shooting. There’s the awkwardness you feel when you see someone after a long time and the fear of “going down that path again”. In all honesty, I loved this movie.


Well put.


But the thing is, the premise isn't bad, it could have turned out pretty good – but it didn't. The whole movie feels like an outline.


i remember when Down To You first came out, the negative buzz was so bad, it scared me away. seven years later, i finally caught it on cable, and i was pleasantly surprised. i tend to like indie films, and i felt like this movie had an authentic quality that eluded most mainstream viewers. i think the general public rejected it because it wasn't your typical teenybopper flick. FPJ and JS give tremendous performances. and the dialogue is very clever!



Tingles? More like shivers of disjust.



i liked it.
i thought that this movie was great because it seemed more realistic than the plain black and white happy ending.


This is the movie I can't pass when it's on. I love it.


cheatingmath totally agree with everything you said. the realistic writing mixed with the formulaic cornball cuteness is kindof perfect mixed together. i think this is a perfect, cute 90's film that isn't SUPPOSED to be an amazing film, and everyone knock's the acting, but it's actually good. people say Freddie Prinze Jr's acting is horrendous in this film---actually it's not. i've seen much, much, much worse acting in many more films in the 90's and in definitely in this time period. actually more in this time period. he's a better actor than half the good looking pretty boys in dramatic ABC tv shows, or romance shows, or romantic comedies and BS like that. hes not better than the A list actors of course, but the ones that are on his *level* doing the kind of work he did-- sorry but hes more natural, realistic, and likable. i love this movie :) its heart-warming, and i can watch it over and over and never get bored with it. honestly the only thing i dont like about it is Monk, but hes barley in it anyways.
