Unofficial sequel

I really liked the original and as far as I know it did fairly well at the box office. People keep calling this one and number 3 unofficial sequels so my question is how did they get the rights to make this. Why on earth did the company behind the original allow this to be made, why not make a proper sequel and not wait 7 years to make the official sequel. I mean if there was enough interest for The Return to get a theatrical release even after the two made for tv sequels then surely there would have been even more interest back when this one was made.


Not sure how the company may have gotten the rights. Most people calling 2 and 3 unofficial sequels are just die hard fans of the original, and think just because there's an all new cast and crew automatically means unofficial.

I honestly think Van Damme only got RETURN up and running because he wanted to reboot his failing career. And since these TV movies were so little known, its easy to assume RETURN is the one and only sequel. Until REGENERATION anyway.

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