Wow! So many Hollywood cliches and formulas and scientific nonsense!
wow its so bad its almost watchable as one of those moives you laugh at them all, not actually watch teh plot and can buy into it.
the old school guys who doesnt play by the book or "not a team player"
but yet they have to call on him 30 years later cause no one can figure out his archaic computer code or something?
a test pilot taking it to the edge and his partner punching h im for it??
it was hokey, but that is the definition of a test pilot..especially in that test the limits of aircraft...and especially something highly experimental and ground breaking and in those days of lax safety regulations, compared to today.
and the countless unbelievable leaps of logic made...i know its a movie, but to be engaging and watchable it cant be so distracting...when u make that big of jump its just hollywood armageddon or pearl harbor or indy day or 2012