I love James Caviezel, i watched this movie just now and i LOVED it! It's such a great movie. It was indeed smart, suspenseful, and satisfying.
BUT! I do think James Caviezel's acting is a little unconvincing at times. I noticed several scenes, where they are a lil bit awkward.. I noticved the part where he said to his gf 'Yeah, you're right, should have ended it a long time ago" i dunno, it was jst not convincing to me.
Well, Caviezel's character is uneven throughout the movie, because reality changes for him.
At the beginning of the movie, he is very bitter and unhappy, a borderline alcoholic, because his father was murdered when he was 6, and unable to maintain a relationship with his girlfriend. He was abrupt, aloof and unexpressive, thus the "yeah we should have ended it."
Then things change so that Frank survives until 1989, John's character changes somewhat. After that, it's his mother who was killed in 1969, so he has other frustrations for other reasons.
About 2/3 of the way through, Frank makes the decision to quit smoking in 1969, which allows him to survive until 1999. After Shepherd's hand is shot off in 1969, he can no longer kill either Frank or Julia, they both survive until 1999, and the 65-ish year-old Frank ends the whole cycle by blowing Shepherd away.
Sorry to nitpick, but the father of Caviezel's character was not murdered. He was killed in a fire while trying to save a woman. Either way he lost his father in a tragic way, but it was an accident not a crime.