MovieChat Forums > Frequency (2000) Discussion > [spoilers] Something that bugged me whil...

[spoilers] Something that bugged me while watching the movie

Before I start, I want to say that I did like this film, and the way they handle the whole issues with time and all that did make sense on a certain level, and the movie was overall very interesting and well done.

That being said, it took me a while to accept the logic they went with, and this was one of the few problems I had with the film.

When Frank's wallet and fingerprints are found in the dead girl's room and he's later brought in for questioning, why is he so quick to reveal this time portal between he and his son? If it were me, I wouldn't dare reveal the information to anyone due to (A) nobody believing me, or (B) people shooting their mouths off to other people who want to mess with time and change stuff wantonly to their own interests.

We're to believe that Satch never talked to Frank afterwards about this time rip, or never casually brought it up to anyone else? He just went along with it and that was that? Imagine how the present and future would have changed. Or if it didn't, was he just sitting there smiling to himself, knowing the fact that the impossible had been pulled? A confrontation/ explanation between Satch and Frank would have been really nice to see rather than just leaving Satch's bemused reaction to a baseball game as his only response to the time rip existing.


Given this is only a film and logic is merely a 'red herring' Some good points
about Satch's backstory after the reveal of the time warp. It would be nice to see more of that. But the focus is on Frank and Johnny, you do see Satch at the baseball game though.

So to end the film with a similtaneous shoot-out with Sheppard is OK with me.
One minor correction, Sheppard only steals Franks driver's license and plants it underneath Cissy Clark's body. The wallet is later 'transferred' in the
window seat to get Sheppard's prints
