MovieChat Forums > Frequency (2000) Discussion > The End - SPOILERS, do not read if u did...

The End - SPOILERS, do not read if u didnt watch the movie yet

I just finished watching this movie and loved it, one of the best movies ever made, they play alot with the time and the ones who made this movie are nothing more then humans so if something isnt right here ( wich im quite sure it isnt ) its still acceptable.

So back to the topic, The end of the movie.

This is my toughts.

They manage to somewhat repair what they messed up, and as the story being outstanding and the excitement towards the end his father pops up at his time and saves him from the murderer.

Now, his father, knows all of this ofc, the radio and communication betwen two seperate times in history evolves to saving his fathers life.

His son also knows this, but my question here is, his father must have known all the time from that moment, 1969, he must have known what was going to happen to his son right? he would contact him when he got 37 years old, BUT
as they already solved this, there was no need to do it, so all of this that happened in the movie, did actually never happen... or smth, lol, im confusing myself.

What im trying to say is, he eaither grew up without or with his dad, if he grew up with his dad this would never happened, without him, it would.

Awell, just to start an intressting convo here :) and excuse me for my bad english.

Plz tell me ur oppinion, what do u think, belive, ur theories etc.

this movie gets a 9/10 from me, loved it. and now 10 years later, being 26 years old and watched it for the first time, why did no one ever talked about it? its so underrated, god I love this world when things like this happens, quality movies comming out from nowhere when we have so much *beep* today, and yet this movie is 10 years old.... or is it?? :)


It is confusing. Here are some of my thoughts. The radio communication was ending, it was just temporary during the aurora borealis, which is on an 11 year cycle of highs and lows (even thought they used 30 not 33 years in the movie). Thus there was no further commumication after this date in the movie. Then the father lived his 30 years with his son, but the son only had "memories" of it, he didn't actually go back in time to live the 30 years, just like he had memories he said in the movie of his father after he didn't die in the Buxton fire. So in reality, the son just met the father in the final killing scene, it was all in real time to him. The father on the other hand got to expreience all of the real things with the son, who only had memories of it now. The father also probably thought he had killed the killer or maybe he knew what was going to happen since he heard something on the radio, I am not sure of that. If he knew what was going to happen, he just showed up to fulfill his destiny I would think. Hopefully this helps, it is a confusing movie to discuss :)



The father would have retained all his memories of his conversations with his son, since the father's past never changed and his memories never got rewritten. He knows that for his son, none of this ever happened up until the time his son has the ham radio conversations at which point he will acquire new memories of the alternate timelines. So dad simply doesn't mention that this is coming because he knows his son won't believe him anyway until it happens.

As for the killer, after dad blew off his hand he ran away. But since dad heard the killer in the future fighting with the son, he knew that the killer would return someday to cause more trouble, so he waited outside until the right moment and arrived in the nick of time to save the day.


John recalled the memories before when they altered the future so why wouldn't he have kept the memories after everything was resolved?


Lunchbox-3, that is a quite brilliant summary.

I'd never really considered it myself because for the most part the time manipulation was flawless.

You have just added to my appreciation of this film.



Here's what I thought. The last conversation they had on the ham radio really was the last one. It makes sense since the aurora disappears right after the grand finale is over. Dad either heard the big struggle his son had with the killer and didn't get to hear the rest of the communication, or he heard the whole thing and realized he needed to be there to save his son.

So all in all, Dad must've had a lot of nightmares about his son and had to go to his house that night, or he heard the entire thing and knew he had to be there to finish off the killer. That's my two cents.

So you're my uncle Joey. Better get used to these bars, kid.


the ending was great, i never saw it coming and it left a great feeling.
truly one of the most underappreciated films in the last ten years or so.
i dont know why more people havent seen it either.


I think it was underappreciated too.


I love this movie -- and really never thought about the son changing his fate, his father's, his mother's or the killer's, because I am also a huge fan of Quantum Leap - and Sam and Al did the same thing every week for five years without the world coming to an end!

Who knows - maybe FATE gave this family an opportunity to make things right.

Love movies like this - makes you think.


I have a slightly different spin on this. This is the father's house now, he never left it. So when he heard the fighting downstairs, he got the gun and then killed the killer..


