Screwy Ending

Am I the only one who the ending of this movie, didn't make sense too? If the murder was shot 30 years ago by the father, How could he also have shot him in 1999 when he was trying to kill his son. As soon as he shot the killer, he couldn't have existed in the future for the father to shoot him again. He should have disappeared like his hand when it was shot off. This is basic Time-Warp 101 stuff!!!


I think he only shot his hand off and then the bad guy ran off and got away, so he would be able to come back in 30 years. Why he waits 30 years is a whole other question.



Before things got altered again John went to that bar in 1999 and confronted Jack with what he knew. Up until then no one knew that Jack was the guilty party from the past until John tells his dad what to do. ALso Jack does not know John when he comes to him in the bar but he now knows due to the change in the timeline after that meeting and when they finally got the proof in the past the present Jack goes after John to kill him. I can only assume since this timeline change and all parties have these memories that Jack did stay in hiding this time but how does he know who adult John is to come after him. Could it be that John also confronted him as he did before on the timeline. You would think that would not be possible if he was in hiding this time. They all thought he was dead (drowned maybe) until this point and were not looking for him so it was easy for him to hide. Only John knew he was alive and was the killer.

All I can figure out is the reason for waiting 30 yrs is up to this point no one knew he was alive. He would have no reason to think that John knew he was alive or that he even knew who John was. They made you believe he attacked John because John had discovered the truth about him but they didnt make it very clear on the new timeline how he knew that John knew that he was the killer. They make you think oh in the previous scene at he bar he told him but that was on a different timeline before he had proof that he was the killer. I think I am rambling.


It's been a while since I've watched this, but I love the movie. I think they were living in a parallel universe/timeline, so what was happening 30 years ago during the last scene didn't affect anything in the future because it hadn't really happened yet. Sorry, I'm not expressing myself very well.


I've chatted with a few people about that scene and we were all in total agreement. That scene doesn't make any sense, yet it totally works.

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested
