Extremely Underrated

I seriously don't get the hate for this movie I guess it's because it's a remake and most movie fans sadly think every remake is by default bad. Well I strongly disagree with that this is one of my favorite horror movies. I love the atmosphere of the film not to many horror films these days take place in haunted houses. My only issue is I wish their was some nudity lol. Anywho a great horror film with plenty replay value.


Ditto... Shame the same can't be said about the sequel.


I agree,very underrated I just watched it again,it was just as scary as I remembered it.


This is by far the best haunted asylum movie there is. Best atmosphere, best scares, best ghosts, best characters. Geoffrey Rush really nailed it at Price. It's not a perfect film, but it has some exceptional strengths about it, most notably the surreal nightmarish qualities, the way it's cut, the way the ghosts move, the music and the horrifying sounds.


I'm in total agreement.
It was the first horror movie I saw and it remained with me throughout my teens.
Today I watched it again thinking it would probably be *beep* and I was pleasantly surprised.
As others have pointed out, the atmosphere is well done and the ghost are quite freaky too.
I found it rather unsettling. There are indeed certain elements that are cheesy, but I like how the script contains actual characters and a plot. I like how certain characters are playing against one another and truly unconscious of what's going on.
The only negative things I could say are that :
1. The scene at the end when the Darkness is after them is just stupid... I hate it when villains take their time for no reason other than to build tension that utimately makes no sense.
2. The special effects are a little outdated... But you can't really bkame them for that...


I agree as well. Definitely an underrated film by all accounts :)

"Martyr me for Cordis Die."


Agreed. I remember seeing it in the theater with friends and gfs at the time. Melissa's death and Vannacuts creepy walk had the girls screaming and pretty much the whole theater freaked out. The movie just had a much creepier feel than anything else at the time and stuck with us for days. If it wasnt forthe ending with the shadow blob thing it would have been much better. I wanted to like the 2nd but meh. Would love to see a true follow up movie or even a prequel if done by the right people


Yes. I agree. I just added it to my collection this year and it's been one I've wanted for awhile. I admit I have not seen the original it I know it was a beloved classic and important in horror movie history.


It's not as good as the original but I still like it


Never been a fan of this one, but I loved the original.
