MovieChat Forums > Battlefield Earth (2000) Discussion > Movie vs. Book - Fighter Jets vs. Psychl...

Movie vs. Book - Fighter Jets vs. Psychlo mining aircraft, etc.

I enjoy the book, and a friend dragged me to the movie back when it was in the theaters. I couldn't believe how bad it was! I haven't seen the film since then, so I'm a bit rusty.

First, in the book Johnny convinces Terl to use the Scots as miners to help Terl get gold (which is a secret, kept from the other Psychlos.) In the movie, they were there all along as a slave labor source.

Second... 1000-year-old jets?? SERIOUSLY?? As others have said, the fuel would have jelled in the tanks, much of the plane would have rusted, rubber and plastic elements would have decomposed, not to mention primitive humans learning to fly them in a few days. In the book, Terl used the learning machine (against the laws of his race,) to train the Scots to fly the Psychlo mining craft, which had very simple controls (up/down, forward/back, left/right.) The Psychlo military craft operated in the same manner, with an addition for firing weapons.

It's been too long since I've seen the movie, and I tried to block it from my mind, so I'm not sure what other differences there were. I actually haven't read the book in a while, either.
