MovieChat Forums > Battlefield Earth (2000) Discussion > How is it linked to Scientology

How is it linked to Scientology

It's been a good few years since I waded through this abomination. Much has since been made about how Travolta used it as a stage for his scientologist beliefs.

Not knowing anything about Scientology can someone explain to me in brief how this film's plot ties in with it?



'Put your pants on kid, so I can kick your ass.'


It was strongly supported by the church of scientology(I ain't capitalizing that ****), John Travolta in particular, but as far as I can tell there's nothing in the plot that really ties into scientology. Apparently in the book, instead of being inspired by the Declaration of Independence Johnnie is inspired by a copy of Dianetics, but aside from that I dunno.

Oh, and the aliens are called Psychlos... and as everyone knows, scientologists have an irrational fear of psychologists.


"Oh, and the aliens are called Psychlos... and as everyone knows, scientologists have an irrational fear of psychologists."

Where did you get that from?


Have you ever watched Tom Cruise rant on how psychology and psychiatry are evil and lead to the destruction of the human race?

Scientology has a firm stance against psychiatry and psychology, especially all form of psychiatric drugs (even for those with provable chemical imbalance issues, not just the casual "im sorta depressed" overly prescribed stuff)

Some speculate that their hatred of psychology and psychiatry stems from the fact that they actually use psychology methods to semi-brain wash their members and thus actively teach their members to avoid anyone who can see through their rhetoric and expose them as the stupid cult they really are


I was told the movie did, but I personally never noticed. But I learned of Scientology from that SOUTH PARK episode.

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Actually it has nothing to do with the church of scientology. L.Ron Hubbard wrote this master peice of scifi (1200+ pages, amazing book overall, no way it could be condenced into a movie) The problem is he went for lack of a better word a little "coocoo in the head" and started a new religion, the church of scientology.

Why anyone would buy into it is beyond me, but that is where the ties co9me from, the creator of cos and Battlefield earth are the same. The other is John decided to adopt it a few years before he made this movie.

Decepticle n: 1. The "testicles" added to the movie robots in Michael Bay's T2: RoTF.


He didn't go crazy...he perfectly explained his motivation for creating scientology prior to his death...

He wanted a fool proof way to pick up impressionable, stupid young women. Since he knew sci-fi and was popular with folks who were into it, his created mythos leaned HEAVILY on what he knew...and his less intelligent (i.e. more educated) fans ate it up...and he spent the rest of his days taking their money and their maidenhood.

Sounds pretty smart (though despicable) to me.

What I find amazing is that the nutz continued the church after his admission...and seem to conveniently ignore that confession ever took place...


Despite him being a complete nutter, scientology is no crazier than any other mainstream religion...


It really is.


Unfortunately it really is

There is a fine line between religion and cult; Scientology is very much a dangerous cult masquerading as a peaceful religion

Where you are right is that any religion is dangerous if it turns into a cult (there are Christian cults, there are muslim extremists, etc)

Scientology on the other hand doesn't have factions that are breaking off and becoming extreme, they are from the ground up trying to take over the world in ways too freaking bizarre to believe sometimes


The only 2 links I know of are:
1) Both dreamed up by L.Ron Hubbard

2) Both a pile of pretentious laughable crap.

I'm a firing my pewpew lazors!


Because it was written by Kevin Bacon !!

( or was it Chuck Norris ....(?)


According to Pulitzer Prize winning author Lawrence Wright, in his bestseller "Going Clear," the Head of $cientology David Miscavige reviewed the dailies and suggested improvements as the filming progressed. That DM has not even a high school education, never mind any experience or expertise in the film industry mattered not to him. He wanted to make it go right so he meddled.
