MovieChat Forums > Battlefield Earth (2000) Discussion > The Psychlos laugh at the notion...

The Psychlos laugh at the notion...

Of humans getting taught to use tools and work with machinery as though they are primitive animals.....

Er.. Are they blind to all the human buildings and machinery that's lying around?!??! W.T.F Logic?


It's the logic of its sociopath author, Elron Hubbard.
A kind of logic that doesn't exist outside the confines of his own head. That's why Scientologists need years and years of brainwashing and suppression of any and all critical thinking - only then can they also see Hubbard's twisted logic.

Would you believe the movie is better than the novel? They toned down some of the most outlandish drivel, and only left the "good" (and I use the term liberally) parts in.

Tesla was robbed!
