MovieChat Forums > Battlefield Earth (2000) Discussion > Who is rating this so low?

Who is rating this so low?

I don't know *beep* about scientology or the book this is based on but as a fan of sci-fi movies I thought this was a pretty cool concept for a movie. It definitely could have been done better and had less plot holes to be more believable but a 2.4 rating? I have seen complete *beep* movies way worse then this that are rated 3 - 4 on here lol. There are a lot worse sci-fi movies I have seen that have higher ratings too (almost everything on netflix under sci-fi for example). I guess since Travolta was in it and it had a decent sized ad campaign a bunch of people that hate sci-fi to begin with are rating it. If you like sci-fi or post-apocalyptic type stuff and can ignore a few stupid oversights (not nearly as bad as an average sci-fi channel movie) I think you will enjoy this.


Everyone because the film is total garbage, I would rather watch ten bad syfy monster movie TV films then a minute of this hunk of garbage


Several reasons why people hate this movie:

1. Every close-up is shot on an angle.
2. Every time the close-up changes, the angle reverses.
3. Every scene ends with a wipe.
4. The movie is full of stuff that makes no sense (Why are cavemen able to operate Harrier jets? Why are they able to use these jets to defeat the aliens when actual trained soldiers weren't? Why does jet fuel still burn after sitting for thousands of years? And so on.)
5. The acting is mostly bad.
6. The pacing is terrible, and the movie drags on for way too long.
7. The plot makes no sense.

I'm guessing that if you had actually seen the trailer and went to see it in the theater when it first came out, you'd probably want your money back.

The cinematography is so bad that adding alcohol to it made me nauseous. Three beers and an hour into it, I had to stop drinking. I like watching bad movies with Rifftrax commentaries, but even with those guys riffing, the movie became extremely boring well before its end.


Wow, are you so dumb that you can't even follow the plot to this movie? The humans had a learning machine(flight simulator), and the main guy used the alien learning machine. That's how they learned to fly jets. Duh.

The camera angles are clearly for effect. I like it, it's different.

The plot made perfect sense, but I guess that you couldn't follow it.


There's a difference between being able to follow a plot and being able to swallow it.


The book was a thousand times better than this movie. The whole "leverage is power" is pretty much common sense and would 'hook' a lot of people.


And that's saying something right there. The book itself was a steaming pile of pulp sci-fi trash; the worst of the "golden age" dime novel epics all strung together into a rambling undisciplined semblance of storytelling. The first half of it had a decent background universe going on, but was hampered by badly dated stereotypes, cardboard characters, sexism, eyesore grammar and childish exposition. As for the latter half of the book, the less said of that the better (not even the film bothers).


So you're saying that a man with the knowledge of a caveman can get into a flight simulator for a week and know how to fly a military jet and fly it well enough to defeat a greatly advanced civilizations weaponry piloted by the aliens trained military personal? I also liked how the guy in the flight simulator kept saying "piece of caKe", I kept thinking, he doesn't even know what cake is! Let's also not forget that those jets and the jet fuel had been sitting around for a thousand years, but somehow still worked. The story had almost no believability and that is why it has a 2.4 rating on IMDB and did so well at the Razzies. Simply put, it is recognized as one of the worst films ever. For the record, I watched it and gave it a fair shake before I had any idea how bad it was and only came here on IMDB to see if others thought it was as bad as I did.



Either that, or you didn't understand the point that INTELLIGENT HUMANS weren't able to defeat the aliens with the EXACT SAME HARRIERS AS THE CAVEMEN USED. Because the cavemen were OBVIOUSLY MUCH SMARTER. BECAUSE FLIGHT SIMS, DUH!

My so dumb!


Wow, are you so dumb that you can't even follow the plot to this movie? The humans had a learning machine(flight simulator), and the main guy used the alien learning machine. That's how they learned to fly jets. Duh.

Where did the power come from to power this learning machine which had been sitting there for 1000 years and looked brand new.

Do you think you could learn to fly a jet in less than 7 days with no instruction and only a simulator??



"The humans had a learning machine(flight simulator), and the main guy used the alien learning machine. That's how they learned to fly jets."

It takes pilot candidates years to train to fly conventional jets, never mind the much more complex Harrier. Flight simulators are only part of training. Two other very important parts of training are ground school, and actually flying the real plane with an extremely experienced instructor pilot sitting in the back seat (yes, there are 2 seat training versions).

And of every 10 people that apply, only 1 is good enough, i.e. only 10% of pilot candidates are good enough to complete training. And those that do qualify are still regarded as rookies until they have years of service under their belt.

And we are expected to believe that these savages became proficient pilots in a couple of weeks? Please.

Add to that the fact that a Harrier can only hover for a total of 90 seconds per flight, and that it can't hover at all when it has a full fuel and weapons load. Also, there's no way a Harrier is going to fly after sitting in storage for 1,000 years. These extremely complex machines require huge amounts of maintenance and TLC to operate.

What we saw in the movie just wasn't believable to anyone who isn't completely ignorant of such things, like you are.


If you look at the Global ratings and many professional critiques about this Garbage you'll realise that you are In a minority (i.e. those requiring a brain). To "shoot-down" (haha) your comment, have you never heard of erosion and the other effects of time and environment? Even aircraft that are not being used still need to be maintained on a DAILY basis - and you think It's possible to fly a pile of rust after 365,000 days without It?
Do you think you'd make a good fighter-pilot after even YEARS on a simulator without the help of Instructors and teachers and many hours of real-flight training? Of course not! Yet you are so naïve as to think "Human animal" cavemen could fly their piles of rust expertly.
The cities, by the way, would be far more decayed and deeply entwined with vegetation to the point that the few partially-remaining buildings would appear to be afforested hills who's Interiors would likewise be choked with vegetation. Even If you could chop and slash your way Into one, It'd Just be an empty carcass open to the elements. All the books long since eaten by bugs, NOT gracefully aging. All those tiny electronics long-since ruined by age, damp, Insects, never to work again. I suggest you educate yourself by watching this great documentary, "Earth without people"

As for the film Itself, I'd clearly be wasting my time If I listed all the points that make It total crap. You'd be unable to grasp It anyway so why bother. Diagnosis - Brain transplant urgently required


That wouldn't work. Do you really think you could put a person who have never even seen a plane into a simulator and they would just get it? It's still only one point on the list. The plot is not too smart to get, it's too dumb.


In response to the "every scene ends with a wipe": doesn't Star Wars do the same thing? I remember quite a few curtain wipes in all the Star Wars movies


I love science fiction and can sit through a lot of dreck and enjoy it simply because it's science fiction.

This movie is abysmal, so you're wrong in your "I think you will enjoy this" or "it's science fiction haters who rate this movie low."

It's schlock, and not entertaining schlock.

Someone else in this thread posting some excellent reasons why it fails as a well made movie. It fails as science fiction because it's crap.


Who is rating this so low? Anyone with a brain and taste. Seriously ... you have to be a troll.

IMDb: The Reason There Can Never Be Peace In The Middle East.


Or a L Ron Hubbard worshiping Scientologist...

I'll Teach You To Laugh At Something's That's Funny
Homer Simpson




That must be it. There could not possibly be another explanation for an individual having an opinion that differs from that of the majority.



No, person said, "Or", so it could be something else. But I don't think so. It's probably just a scientology troll. They're the worst.

Oh, and it's spelled "condescending". Just saying.


Everyone that has seen the film. I can careless about Scientology but this movie sucked plain and simple.


To say that you can care less means that you do care, at least a little bit. The expression you're looking for is "I couldn't care less", which means that you don't care at all.

That is, unless you were actually trying to say that you do care, and just said it in a very strange way.


I don't get the hate, I actually really enjoyed it when it came out. I hadn't even heard of Scientology back then! It was just a sci fi action movie with some oversized aliens and I loved it!

I really don't get the hate, people are so critical these days.


image for user VirtualMark
» Thu May 2 2013 10:14:27
IMDb member since June 2006
I don't get the hate, I actually really enjoyed it when it came out. I hadn't even heard of Scientology back then! It was just a sci fi action movie with some oversized aliens and I loved it!

I really don't get the hate, people are so critical these days.

Your post is as believable as Kirstie Alley not cheating on a diet. Did you really even see this film? You sound like you are a member of Scientology. Really, you come off that way to me.

I saw this film when it came out and just watched it again recently for laughs. It really is so bad on so many levels that it's hard to even take seriously as a real film project made by professionals. I hope the non-believers, such as Forest Whitaker, were paid handsomely to participate in this dreck. I have read that Whitaker has stated that he regrets ever having anything to do with Battlefield Earth. When the principals are willing to state publicly that the movie sucks, that should be a huge clue to the rest of us.

Challenge: try to get through this movie without once rolling your eyes, moaning in annoyance, laughing so hard your belly splits or spit taking your beverage of choice. It's not possible. Really, it isn't.

Idiots abound. This means you.


"I really don't get the hate"

Really? There is not a single good thing about the movie. Awful story, awful acting, awful special effects, awful camerawork, full of plot holes, etc. etc. Every aspect of this movie is terrible. The movie is so bad that many of the actors involved have expressed regret for appearing in it.


This movie is so unintentionally hilarious that it's almost awesome. It's no Plan 9 but it's close. There are more WTF??? moments in this POS than in a weeklong marathon of SyFy original movies.

I would give this movie a 1 but I still enjoy watching it for all the wrong reasons.




I'd rather watch uncensored Sopranos reruns


You lost me when you said you rather watch this over the Star Wars prequels....



Hahaha. Yeah, the Star Wars prequels are monumentally awful, but they are works of art compared to this disaster.
